michael123 wrote:
> 1) stop insulting me
> I will bring this to attention of Logitech guys
> You should go away as your posts are ignorant and irritating

I have not insulted you. I have said that your posts are pointless and
you are  a troll. You act like a troll, you write like a troll, you
listen like a troll.

As a wise man once said, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and
quacks like a duck....

> 2) You are misleading..
> Transporter can be upgraded and improved, that's the point..
> As with every component. All audio designers are DIY-ers and modders.

If you hack it up, its no longer a Transporter. Its like someone who has
a 32 ford and puts a Chevy V8 into it. Its now a hot rod, its not a Ford.

The Transporter is old, Electronics moves with Moore's Law.

If you want to hot rod it, why are you here in the commercial product
forums and not in some DIY site?

> 3) I am a legitimate (paying) customer of SlimDevices and Logitech.
> You're not going to shut me off

Of course not, I am asking you, politely to shut up.

> 4) People asked me about the mod, so I provided some questions..

What people? You seem to be just asking the same thing over and over.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results.

Pat Farrell

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