magiccarpetride;585451 Wrote: 
> Some of you guys seem to have serious psychological problems related to
> someone's individual, intimate subjective experiences. You just seem to
> deeply mistrust those types of experiences. Why do you act like
> computers? Why don't you just relax, fully experience something with
> your entire body and soul, without having to always break it down into
> neat sized intellectual components? You're missing out on a lot of
> finer details life has to offer if you continue acting like some dumb
> predictable computer.

We're all probably better off if the amateur psychology is left out of
these discussions. 

The problem with "intimate subjective experiences" is they are yours
alone and are not transferable to others. 

There is a place for science in the recording and reproduction of
sound. There is nothing wrong with looking for differences that are
actually physically audible as opposed to perceptions that include
subjectivities that vary widely by person. 

I've got some pretty dang fine recordings that are just Redbook. I was
listening to Robert Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor last night and
was thoroughly enthralled. I don't think 24/96 or 24/192 would have done
a thing to enhance the experience. The only next step for me would have
been a live performance. 

I'd much rather the recording industry, as a whole, learn to take
advantage of what we already have versus chasing some number. There are
plenty of examples of how to do things right with an ordinary CD. It is
just a pity that more in the recording industry don't follow those

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