I think you need to go back and read what you originally wrote - your
memory seems to take a revisionist approach.

You concluded your original post with:

"I promise you, you'll be shocked and enthralled at how much better the
hi-rez music sounds"

You have since claimed:

"I never said which master I prefer"
"But that's my point exactly -- they DO sound different. I wasn't
debating why is that."

You clearly were suggesting that the hi-res formats sound better.

Anyway, no-one is suggesting that it is not possible to hear *any*
difference between *any* tracks - that would clearly be ridiculous.
However, we are suggesting that *some* difference are inaudible, and are
only "heard" in sighted tests because of expectation bias.

"Feed that ego and you starve the soul" - Colonel J.D. Wilkes
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