c3p0;605474 Wrote: 
> sorry for the delay, been house decorating.
> So basically you should hear a difference between the DAC of the Touch
> via analog and the Output of the Vdac via Touch digital ( I am using
> SPDIF cable) and its just a case of finding out whats blocking you from
> hearing the difference.
> Hope this helps?

Thanks a lot for your long and exhaustive answer. Hope your home
decoration is going well.

The fact is that I am quite happy today with what comes out of the
V-DAC. The analog output is allthough another and very strange story:
some days it sounds good - nearly as good as the V-DAC - some days not.
So there must be some instability somewhere in my system but I cannot
figure out where.

To give an example: last day, just by doing A/B listening between
Toslink/SPDIF/analog, I found suddenly a substantial difference between
SPDIF and analog. But after putting Toslink back in place, the
difference disappeared and the analog was again pretty good. It
remained good after a swap betwen Toslink and SPDIF. My conclusion was
that at some point in time, the analog became fuzzy, but the day after,
it was again pretty good. No idea why.

On the other hand, I have listened to other speakers since it is the
last element of the chain I did not upgrade recently. But after first
listening, I have been disappinted by everything I have listen to (MA
RX6, Triangle and Cabasse) and thought my speakers were not that bad.
Most probably, this was because the listening room was not well
designed (speaker selector with dozens of meters of cable) but this
discouraged me anyway in my quest.

That's why I come to the conclusion that I appreciate the sound I get
by now and should probably better stop tweaking my system before my
wife and my wallet get worried about it.

Nevertheless, I'll still try the improvement of the cable side. I'll
follow your advice to use SPDIF Baiden/Canare cables since this is a
quite cheap upgrade. On the other hand, I am currently using QED
speaker cables: are the Vovox much more expensive? What would you
recommend for the audio RCA: also Baiden/Canare?

I am currently using a quite cheap (but IMO not bad) stabilized linear
12V power supply for the V-DAC. Do you think it makes sense to change
it back to 12V SMPS?

Thanks again for your help and expertise!



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