If I could be forgiven for returning to topic...
I have a couple of observations.
1. I have noticed that classical music reviewers such as the Gramophone
reviewers and the editors of the Penguin Guide often make comments on
the relative merits different issues or masterings of the same
recording, including sometimes (but not so often these days) the
original vinyl and CD reissue. 
2 These people are usually trained musicians and often incurable nit
pickers. They are apparently happy on occasions to spend pages
comparing 30 or 40 versions of the same work, including different
performances by the same artists, looking at very fine details of
performance, textual scholarship, and sometimes production. They appear
to love an opportunity to have a whinge about something or other
3 They will invariably know what a particular instrument "sounds like",
will  almost certainly have heard the performer play live, will in the
case of  a live recording (and some studio recordings ) probably have
some experience of the acoustics of the hall and may very well have
attended the concert being recorded
4 They not as far as I can see exhibit excessive neophilia and often
delight in lamenting the passing of a golden age of great performers
(and extolling the virtues of the great producers of the past). It is
fair to say that some reviewers do prefer contemporary approaches to
performance practice which may predispose them to more recent
5 Many of these people evidently have huge and treasured collections of
analog and digital recordings. 
6 I have read on many many occasions comments that cd issues and
sometimes subsequent remastering reveal details previously obscured by
the vinyl and are generally more pleasing. With the exception of a few
early digital efforts they never (or very very rarely) seem to say that
the analog issue was better. Whilst they often identify historic
recordings as “essential”, they almost equally often observe that these
recordings sound better than ever in their latest remastering.
7 I have never read these reviewers indicate any misgiving about the
sound quality of cd as a medium relative to vinyl. 
8 I have however noticed some hifi reviewers claim to prefer analog to
digital in the case of classical recordings. Most of the time however
this has been Michael Fremer.
9 Surface noise is much more of an issue obviously, and would probably
be determinative on its own for most people. People who write letters
to the Times about the disturbing prevalence of coughing are hardly
going to want to hear loud pops and crackles. This may be the case even
at the climax of a symphony; but during the slow movement of a piano
10      I would be interested to hear whether anyone really prefers the
sound of vinyl in chamber music.

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