ralphpnj;615483 Wrote: 
> This will be post #34 of this thread and we are already rehashing old
> ground, i.e. that both analog and digital recordings can sound very
> good. Regardless of whether HDTracks is selling a 40 year old analog
> recording or a brand new full digital recording the fact of the matter
> is that their pricing structure does not reflect the current market
> conditions.
> With so many avenues available for people to obtain lower cost copies
> of the same exact files (setting aside the legality of those copies)
> one would think that HDTracks would look for a more sustainable
> business model. Raising prices for those who choose to obtain the files
> legally while there remain those who obtain the files illegally at
> little or no cost is just not very fair.
> Perhaps a better question would be just how much more do the surviving
> members of the Rolling Stones receive for each high resolution download
> and are they paid more for each 24/176 download then they are for each
> 24/88 download. Otherwise why the big price difference between the two
> resolutions.
> My gut feeling tells me that the tired old argument regarding ripping
> off the artist applies more to HDTracks and other download sites than
> it does to anyone illegally downloading the files. In other words,
> since in all likelihood the artist's original contract had no mention
> of revenue obtained from high resolution downloads, after all how could
> it if the contract was written in the 1960s, then the record companies
> and download sites, NOT the artists, are the ones reaping the lion's
> share of the profits from these high prices.
> Please if anyone has knowledge of facts that disprove the above
> statement, by all means, speak up.

Screw the paranoid bastards! - The "ultra" high res stuff is not any
more worth "ripping off" than anything else. I call it copying. We have
been making copies of music since consumers had the capacity to copy to
tape. How long do they think we are going to be interested in their
material? The people who have never bought it will probably want to buy
a copy. I would. As far as downloads are concerned. Get what you can for
the service and be happy with - it wont last! Anything internet related
turns on a dime. Here today gone tomorrow.


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
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