soundcheck;617179 Wrote: 
> That vol100 issue is really bugging me, since using the digital 
> control on the Touch I consider quite convenient.
> The question to the experts would be what happens on the Touch if that
> parameter gets fixed. I can't believe that nothing is happening.

In my first post
( commenting your
ttvol100 mod I suggested that you just turn on logging in the Touch.
Then you'd know if (for whatever reason) on your Touch anything else
than the magic 65536 gets passed to the inner circuits of the decoder
code. In my test when setting volume to 100% the same value 65536 got
passed as was hardcoded in your mod, so it wouldn't make any difference
for me.

Any value below 65536 will manipulate the samples from the stream (i.e.
the volume value gets multiplied with each sample) before the data is
passed on to the DAC or digital outs. 65536 leaves the samples

So try out the logs first - then you better know on what end (server
volume values vs. Touch) one has to search.

> There are probably many processes syncing volume control in the network
> and on all clients or similar. 
> All those associated processes might be sitting idle or might even die.
> Could something in that area have any impact? How could that be traced?
The server just has a volume setting for each player. 
This one is sent to the Touch - the Touch doesn't manipulates or
processes this value (at least not up to the point where your mod

Later on, when it processes the stream it just applies the volume value
and replay gain value to the samples.

So if you are still convinced that you can hear a difference, just turn
on the logs on your Touch (even if that might influence sound) and play
around with Touch Volume Control, Web Volume Control, whatever Volume
Control and check if the Touch receives the maximum possible volume
value of 65536 or what you need to do to get this value.


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