Soulkeeper;660694 Wrote: 
> Without a dedicated listening position, stereo is pointless IMO. I think
> I would place the speakers evenly, and perhaps try a LRLR configuration
> for even distribution of the sound. (And maybe experiment with LRRL for
> some semblance of stereo.) Switching the cables back and forth should be
> a breeze, so if you don't like it you can easily go back to the
> "default"(?) LLRR setup.
In a space that's 80 feet by 25 feet I LRRL would give a reasonable
stereo sound for those at the ends, but way too much right channel for
those in the middle. And LLRR would do the opposite: fine in the middle
and hugely unbalanced at the ends (all left at one end, all right at the
other). I would definitely recommend LRLR over either LRRL or LLRR.
Imagine 3 clumps of people spread out along the 80' length. The ones at
either end would get more than a semblance of stereo, and those in the
middle would more than a semblance of stereo with the channels
reversed. And it would be fairly smooth transitions as one walked along
the length. I have my kitchen speakers set up LRLR and it works well. 

I hadn't thought about mono, but that's definitely worth a try.


Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it, and it's '100% wind
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(Debian Lenny 5.0.6) feeding: Living room: SB Touch > 'NAD C325 BEE'
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Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
> 'AudioSource Amp100'
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(; Basement:
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( > 'ESS
Tempest LS8'
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> 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom: 'SB3'
> 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
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