so what I should be thinking is that the Touch cannot be improved upon,
is that correct ?

Have you ever noticed how vehemently people react when you question
something they believe in instead of ever being able to have an
intelligent discussion with him or her? In the below video, Chris
Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize winning American journalist, author, and war
correspondent, nails the reason that explains why it is so difficult to
change a person’s mind when they are committed to believing something
even when they are confronted with a mountain of evidence that points
to the contrary. Chris states that universities have stripped away
humanities and other courses that develop critical thinking skills and
instead, due to the historical influences of men like Andrew Carnegie
and John D. Rockefeller, focus on teaching young men and women “what to
think” instead of “how to think.”

Like the proverb that states we have two ears and only one mouth so we
should listen twice as much as we talk, when we are confronted with
actually having our views challenged, many among us fail to listen,
fail to analyze, fail to think, and we instead immediately open our
mouths in defense without ever seriously considering the contrary
information, often in factual form, that has been presented to us. All
of us, including yours truly, have been guilty of responding
insensitively and unintelligently in this manner, and I believe that
there is a reason for this type of response. The powers that be have
used education against us by employing teaching methods within
institutional academia that condition us to automatically dismiss any
notion that might conflict with our internal belief systems that THEY
have programmed into us. If you believe that this notion is
far-fetched, consider that from 1900 to 1920, at a time when the
direction of American education was very much still being molded,
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller incredibly spent more money
than the entire US government in funding and building the education
system to meet their specifications and wishes.

Have you ever thought about why repetition, an integral construct in
the effectiveness of brainwashing, is also an integral construct in
most institutions of academia in every country of the world? Could
education institutions possibly be serving as re-education camps?
Should not true learning involve students questioning professors,
students questioning students, and professors questioning students not
just to repeat and regurgitate pre-packaged responses as is so often
the case, but also to critically analyze and to defend one's positions
and arguments? The Powers That Be (TPTB) that attend the Bilderberg
conference must secretly smile and laugh behind closed doors at the
“unthinking” nature that they have been able to instill within us.
Refuse to accept something as fact just because an authority figure,
whether a professor, the Vatican, or politician, told you to believe
it, and automatically many amongst the sheep will accuse one of
pandering to conspiracy theories, even when one can present many facts
that support one’s opposition view much more strongly than the widely
accepted view.

Because universities are so focused on teaching us “what to think”
instead of “how to think”, this dumbing down process has produced many
media figures and talk show hosts that respond to any questioning of
their beliefs with censorship, an attempt to talk over opposition
views, or with infantile ad hominem attacks, no matter how cogent and
eloquently expressed the opposition view may be. When I lived in Japan,
I learned of a Japanese proverb that states, “The nail that sticks out
gets hammered down”, as if uniqueness and individuality were
undesirable traits. Perhaps this may be the case as the status quo
views us, their subjects, but certainly humanity should strive to
achieve creativity and foster critical thought in order to establish a
more moral society and to root out corruption. Furthermore, the
deliberate destruction of curricula in institutional academia that
fosters critical thinking skills has given way to “hero” worship and
learned helplessness instead of self-determination and self-reliance.
Again, the status quo delights in the hero culture we have built today.
Hero worship leaves one longing for salvation to come on the back of
some mythical hero without any commitment or accountability from the
masses. The status quo delight in the hero culture that they have built
in the minds of the masses as they know that longing for salvation to
come from someone else will leave people in a state of learned
helplessness-induced inertia and thus create an effective barrier from
the manifestation of a "peasant" revolt.

As long as we believe a hero can save us, we will not act and take
control of our own fate, and all the easier it is for the powers that
be to control us. Have you ever noticed how often someone will defend
every fault of their country’s President, a huge pop star, or a star
athlete as passionately as they would defend their own family if you
should dare criticize their “hero” figure? From a logical standpoint,
such defenses are the definition of irrational, as no one can truly
know anything substantial or substantive about the character or true
nature of a public figure with whom they have not spent a single hour.
But yet people very frequently subscribe to the absolutely absurd
belief that they know the character of their “hero” intimately and will
defend this person’s honor (or dishonor as it may be in many cases) to
the end of time. In closing, in addition to Chris Hedge’s video, I will
leave you with a video I posted nearly a year-and-a-half ago in which I
discuss ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov’s discourse on ideological subversion and
how such tactics can produce sheeple that will invariably obey and
believe what they are told. Hopefully this will help us identify the
ideological subversive tactics that are being deployed against us today
all over the world and help all of us to transform into more open-minded
people willing to consider alternate viewpoints other than the ones that
"the powers that be" commanded us to embrace.

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