rgro;685354 Wrote: 
> Unless my memory is really going, I recall that when I bought my first
> SB product (the Duet) that was two years ago.  At that time, there was
> little else on the market that competed with the SB product line,
> functionally.  Maybe one or two early digital streaming devices, but
> certainly not much more than that.  In my perception, the whole
> higher-end digital music hardware market has gone from 0-60 in that
> time frame. And, yep, I'm seeing more and more of those kinds of those
> statements.  
> And, to the extent that one believes that the audio mags and reviewers
> are mostly there to sell whatever the highest priced, hottest products
> are, then I believe we'll be seeing even more this, particularly with
> the likes of the T & A, Bryston, Bricasti, and dCS putting out higher
> and higher priced offerings.  So, if you're in the camp that says that
> stuff only gets noticed, reviewed and talked about very positively if
> it's made by a "name" company with an accompanying high price to go
> with it, then I absolutely would say that, within a year (and I've seen
> the beginnings already) you'll be seeing more and more people saying the
> CD, as a medium, is dying or dead, streaming audio players are the
> "only" way to go, and that they're "as least as good as analog".  
> I still have one of them thar CD player thangs, but it hasn't seen a CD
> in many, many months.  Any CD I buy (and I do still buy them) is
> immediately ripped onto the Vortexbox and then sent to the basement
> archive to live in darkness for the rest of its days.

One of the recent polls conducted by Stereophile reviewed various hi fi
components by breaking them down into A, B, C, and D categories (A being
the highest).

I was shocked to see that they've placed SBT in the D category. But get
this: the blurb said that the evaluation was for the analog outputs; for
digital, they simply stated that it is almost perfect!

Go figure. Why didn't they evaluate SBT on digital only?

On the topic of CDs and streaming: yeah, it's a good idea to keep all
your CDs stored away, in case of emergency. But then again, if indeed
there comes a time when we cannot read our FLACs, WAVs, AIFFs (due to
the unexpected evolution/revolution of the devices capable of reading
these formats), how do we know that we'll still have devices capable of
reading CDs?

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