ralphpnj;685309 Wrote: 
> As I stated in my prior post I have no problem with the manufacturers
> doing this but this is not what they claim nor is it how they "eye
> candy" is marketed. They claim that their products are more than just
> "eye candy" and that their product sound better than lower cost
> equipment. Now in the case of many analog devices (preamps, power amps,
> etc.) this may, in fact, be true but in the case of a music/media
> streamer I would like to know if this can also be true.

But, ralphpnj, aren't you just circling back to the same old argument,
And, while I agree with you (and mcr, for that matter) in principle,
who's the arbiter of what's "better sound"?  

If it's truly just a Ford chassis and engine with a Ferrari body and
you're not told that when you buy, it's an outright lie.  If you are
told this (mcr's point of view) and you choose to pay the premium,
anyway, you and I might think that's crazy and shallow, but it's that
fellow's money and, if it makes him feel better and more virile, etc,
etc. that's fine since he knows what he's buying (your point).  

The problem is that we cannot, despite all the wrangling here and
elsewhere, define what is "better sound", because it's a multi-sensory
and psychological experience which has proven, at best, elusive to
rationally and objectively define.  Obviously, some elements of the
experience do lend themselves to quantification, but other elements do
not.  The subjective elements themselves and the relative importance of
those elements vary from individual to individual---thus making "better"
a claim with a too-wide spectrum for those who want only empiricism, but
fertile ground for companies (and individuals) that enjoy making
competing claims and duking it out in the marketplace.  IMO, whether we
like it or not, the real truth in this whole business is that it is,
inseperably, part science AND part art.

My own suspicion is that (like some good advice in another thread
regarding priorities for improving one's system) once the basics are
handled well, the differences between something like the T & A and
Touch (just considering the transport portion of the devices) mostly
lie in the margins.  But there are things on those margins that, for
one person or another, constitute "better" and, depending on their
perceptions, needs, and pocketbook, they may or may not wish to pay a
premium for those things.

Personally, I think my Touch sounds just fine as a digital transport,
but I might have a go at putting a spoiler and wider tires on to
improve it's handling a bit.  However, I'm not paying 10X or 20X the
Touch's price for what, in my own personal belief system, is likely
just a marginal improvement to that aspect of its functionality.

If I may point out.....while there is no excuse for spewing falsehoods
and intentional fleecing of people, the audio industry is only one of
hundreds (thousands??) of marketplaces where competing claims of
"better" can't necessarily be reduced to 100% hard science.  Does your
Bosch dishwasher clean your dishes "better" than my GE?  Bosch says it
does, AND it's considerably more expensive, AND you're willing to pay
for that....it's measurably 5 db quieter, the dealer says it has
"better" quality parts (it lasts longer), easier to service, and you
really like that little bit of "brighter shine" that you see on your
glasses and flatware compared to how they looked with your old unit. 
But I say that's nonesense---clean is clean (I don't see any food bits
on my dishes!) and the rest is just fluff to jack up the price......and
'round and 'round we go.  What is the definition of "clean" vs.
"cleaner"?  Visual appeal, bacterial content...????

I understand the very human drive in us and here, in particular, for
absolute precision in having a common measuring system so that all the
relevant parameters that will enable true and accurate comparision
shopping and/or listening are out there for everybody to see, use, and
understand.  But I doubt that's never going to happen---not because the
manufacturers or individuals are necessarily sleazy operators, but
because given the complexities of the medium, I think it's near
impossible!  Besides, if we did achieve that level of precision, there
would be almost nothing to talk about.  And then wouldn't you really
miss this forum and its colorful cast of characters???  ;)



System information
Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.
rgro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34348
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93111

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