In case anyone is interested, Chill hit the nail on the head earlier in
this thread, when he described the "golden period" of buffer only
playback, during which time the computer and network can have NO effect
at all on replay quality.

If anyone on this forum believes that test is flawed because the damage
has already been done and the bits in the buffer are wrong, then they
are simply in denial of the truth. The bits cannot be wrong... They
represent the bits from the disk, sent as bits inside IP packets. This
is computer data processing and has NO audiophile issues with it. It
works exactly the same way that every network I the world works and I
think if there was a generic issue we would have heard about it by

Furthermore, the final nail in the coffin is the fact that both HDCD
and wav-wrapped DTS playback perfectly. 
Let's be clear on this; IF EVEN A SINGLE BIT WAS WRONG, DTS and HDCD
would not decode properly.

So whatever people claim to be hearing, it has nothing to do with "the

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/W7)+Teddy Pardo PSU - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1
DAC - Linn 5103 - full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's,
ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Pekin Tuner, Townsend
Supertweeters,VdH Toslink,Kimber 8TC Speaker & Chord Signature Plus
Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.
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