
Yes, The touch can in effect negate the need for a preamp but whether
this is the best quality option is debatable, and an almost
philosophical consideration. If you believe that the best component is
no component, then this will possibly work. In your situation I think
you are best avoiding faffing around with attenuators, worrying about
gain structures of the sb touch and your chosen power amp etc, and that
you should look for a good quality integrated amp with a proper volume
knob and inputs for other devices should you want them.

I have reservations about using the sb touch as its own preamp - I'm
not convinced that the line out is happy driving a power amp with a low
impedance input, and using a lot of digital volume reduction is going to
compromise the resolution of the output.

You don't say whether you are looking at solid state amplification or
valves, but in the latter case I would recommend the Rogue Audio
Chronus integrated amp 
... an utterly superb product that is as fuss free as a valve amp could
possibly be, and it should match the Tannoys well sonically too. It even
has a pretty decent MM Phonograph stage too, and is excellently
constructed so would be a great s/h buy if you can find one within your


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