ralphpnj wrote: 
> Thanks for the link - a very interesting and eye opening read. The link
> to the Meridian Sooloos site
> (http://www.meridian-audio.com/sooloos/index.php) features a very nice
> video of how the Sooloos system works, complete with a British accented
> voice over. For those of you who are not from the US, here in the US
> anything sold with a proper British accent is understood to be very
> classy and very expensive :)
> After reading the thread and watching the video I now feel pretty
> certain that I have a computer based digital music playback almost on
> par with the very classy and expensive Sooloos system. My system
> consists of a Squeezebox Transporter with the balanced analog outputs
> feeding my SimAudio preamp and power amp and Vandersteen speakers. My
> dedicated music server is an HP desktop computer running Windows 7 along
> with two Drobo arrays which hold my digital music library, a library
> comprised of 16/44.1, 24/44.1. 24/48, 24/88.2 and 24/96 fully tagged
> flac files. To complete the faux Sooloos experience I also have a laptop
> computer which runs the latest version of MUSO
> (http://klarita.net/muso.html), a very nice front end controller for the
> Squeezebox Server. Although MUSO is not a touch screen interface, it
> does offer of the features found in the Sooloos interface, should one
> care to take the time to rate the music in one's collection as well tag
> things like mood, scenario, etc. In addition I also use Moose
> (http://www.rusticrhino.com/drlovegrove/), another very nice front end
> controller for the Squeezebox Server. While Moose is not as feature rich
> as MUSO it does offer blazingly fast good old text based searching,
> something I treasure given the large size of my music library.

Nice system!

Speaking of plugins and front ends like MUSO, do anyone know if there is
a plug-in / front end that will scan the directory of albums and look
for scanned covers/booklets/etc.? For example, some HDTracks downloads
have PDF books, and over the years I have scanned in pictures of the CD
booklets usually put in the "Art" directory where all my FLAC's are

This is one thing I have missed - being able to 'flip' through the
booklet when listening to the music...

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