jh901 wrote: 
> Well, I thought this was the audiophile section of this forum.  We
> should ask the mods to shut it down.  It's all a myth.  Not only a myth
> though, but a scam which has been perpetuated for decades now.  I feel
> so used, yet I wonder how your "feelings" would react when in front of a
> well staged hi-end system in someone's living space?  I just
> wonder.....
> http://www.integracoustics.com/MUG/MUG/bbs/stereophile_audio-glossary.html
> Where else at slimdevices.com can we discuss hi-end audio products
> without being run off by those who don't appreciate it?

A couple of thoughts. First this is a public forum. No need to shut
anything down.  Different posters have the right to post whatever they
want to the extent they follow the forum rules (and there are not many
rules). Others may agree or disagree with posts, and it is left to the
reader to decide the value of the information posted. That's the nature
of these and other forums.

Second, I've enjoyed reading about some of the high-end products you've
discussed. And I'm sure I'd be very impressed if I had the chance to
hear your system. On the issue under discussion, I'd be even more
impressed if you (or others) could detect the differences you report in
a double blind test.  As a scientist in my day job, I'm too aware of the
"demand" effect of subjects in an experiment knowing the experimental
treatment. This demand effect is certainly there in tests of audio just
like in the tests of many other things, and the evidence that it exists
is supported by reams of rigorous, published research.  

(Note, I'm not saying that you could not detect the difference in a
double-blind test, as I have no idea, just that--for me--any described
differences by you or others that are not also associated with a proper
test protocol are not very informative. And in the case of the DAC
differences discussed here, a double-blind test would be very easy to
design and conduct.)

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