ralphpnj wrote: 
> Jason,
> I think you are mistaking sonic performance for build quality. The
> Nelson Pass mono amps are built like small tanks and are able to handle
> even the most difficult speaker loads. The high build quality should
> make the Pass amps trouble free for many years but from a strictly sonic
> viewpoint, as Julf pointed out, if the TPA31XXD2 amps are driving
> speakers with a compatible load the two amps will "sound" very similar.
> The same is true for DACs - the inexpensive DAC will have a lesser build
> quality and less robust feature set but sonically will be very similar
> to almost any mega-buck DAC.
> Edit: You can trust what I'm saying since, as you can plainly see for my
> avatar, I have a golden ear.

I'm a touch confused:  "very similar" isn't "the same", and my
(admittedly superficial) reading of this and other threads in here sees
repeated use of words like  "indistinguishable" to describe the sound of
two amps and DACs that measure the same, regardless of cost. 

Build quality is obviously different, but I was asking specifically
about sound quality.  

If all these overbuilt audiophile amps and DACs are really high-priced
nonsense, then they should offer no sonic improvements over their
inexpensive well-engineered counterparts.  (Again, given the amp is
driving a compatible speaker load and efficiency)

Could you please clarify?


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