ArnyK...if your goal is to educate non-technical people, such as myself,
with regard to the true efficacy of any particular piece of hardware or
software, I'd suggest that you're going about it all wrong.  If your
goal is to denigrate and cow the great unwashed (which includes a lot of
us) into falling in line with your particular point of view, then I
guess, have at 'er.

I think Archimago is awesome and I've learned so much from him.  Why? 
Mostly because he's willing to take a piece of equipment, an audio
track, or piece of software and actually put in "on the bench" before he
voices his opinions and conclusions.  Had you, somehow, got your hands
on the REGEN and put it on your bench (as Archimago is trying to do), or
thought to have an in depth conversation with John Swenson and, in the
context of a dialogue (which you claim to value highly), examine his
engineering assumptions prior to declaring the REGEN a sham product, I
would have benefited 100X from the knowledge you could have shared.

As it is, folks like me wind up finding ourselves in betwixt and
between.  John Swenson was, indeed, a long time contributor in this
forum and, as I've said, seemed to have the respect of even some of the
resident "objectivists" around here.  So, what I am left with is his
reputation and explanations of his work and your protestations of
shamery and shillery which, quite unfairly btw, extended to me,
personally.  Somewhere in your postings, there is clearly a
knowledgeable and pretty smart dude but, as I said before, that message
gets  muddled in your histrionics and somewhat overwhelming desire to be

How about asking the folks at Uptone Audio for a demo model and do a
test it for us or do a dual evaluation project with Archimago?  Clearly
there are a hundreds of folks interested in whether or not this device
is really worth their money.  But, until then, you become exactly what
you rail against which is someone who jumps to a conclusion about
something without doing any research or testing.

Absent some unbiased testing and evaluation, if any of the rest of us
are curious, and I am, we'll read other peoples' listening impressions,
probably spend the $175, order one, and see if we hear a
difference---just as a lot of us do with amps and speakers.  If not, it
goes back.  If you really do want to assist us in not adding to the pile
of worthless audio devices sitting in our respective basements (speaking
somewhat metaphorically), do as Archimago does and stop with the
pedantic rants.


System information
Main: Vortexbox/Squeezelite > USB> Benchmark DAC2 D > LFD LE IV
Signature amp > Revel Performa F208 speakers.  

Home Theatre:  Touch (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5 Classic
5.1, Touch FW 7.8.0-r16754.

LMS 7.9.0 - 0.71.20150313git1426153261 on a 1TB Micro Vortexbox
Appliance, V 2.3.
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