rgro wrote: 
> ArnyK...if your goal is to educate non-technical people, such as myself,
> with regard to the true efficacy of any particular piece of hardware or
> software, I'd suggest that you're going about it all wrong.  If your
> goal is to denigrate and cow the great unwashed (which includes a lot of
> us) into falling in line with your particular point of view, then I
> guess, have at 'er.

I'd suggest that I look at your advice in the same light as a fracking
driller looks at advice from his local Greenpeace rep. ;-)

If an audio product can possibly demonstrate a reliable ability to
improve sound quality, I can do pretty good at getting the best out of
it and I think my promotion abilities are right up there.

> I think Archimago is awesome and I've learned so much from him.  Why? 
> Mostly because he's willing to take a piece of equipment, an audio
> track, or piece of software and actually put in "on the bench" before he
> voices his opinions and conclusions. 

I submit that you might contemplate doing the same for me.  Your posts
here, like this one appear to be full of from-the-hip prejudiced

If experience is the prerequisite for granting opinions, why don't you
study up a little and actually find out what my track record is for
audio opinions?  

If you've actually done that, then you can tell us where and when I've
been posting on audio forums, what audio articles I've written, what web
sites I've operated, etc. going back into the 1980s.

So in the interest of supporting the legitimacy of your preparation for
judging me and talking down to me, why don't you list that stuff out?

After you have proven that you can walk the walk, we'll talk the talk.

arnyk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64365
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103684

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