arnyk wrote: 
> To the best of my knowledge, nobody forced you to put this woo on your
> web site Jkeny.  Therefore, its presence on your web site says that you
> affirm it.
> I'm just pointing out that people who live in glass houses shouldn't
> throw stones unless being known as a flaming hypocrite is one of their
> life's ambitions. ;-)
More garbled prose - what's "woo on your web site" & what are you
talking about - every product website contains reviews both from
individuals & from the press.
They are anecdotes of people's impressions, just as most audio forums
are anecdotes of peoples listening impressions. People read & share
these impressions & as a result can shortlist potential equipment that
they think might be worth investigating/auditioning. It's how the world
works, Arny - something you seem to have great difficulty in

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