I check these forums several times every day. Why, because I love the
Squeezeboxes I have.

As an older person, I believe that one's ability to hear diminishes over
time. I also believe that there are limits to what equipment can do to
project better sound quality. That along w the law of diminishing
returns makes some of the products that people talk about here just this
side of silly. I therefore tend to not read many of the Audiophile

While the main focus of these forums has always been about Squeezebox
equipment, software and due to them no longer being produced alternate
systems, we also have threads/forums sections on music, equipment etc.
We all can make the decision to read whatever we wish to here and to
ignore what we want as well. If the subject is controversial there will
be differentiating opinions and we should be aware that they will be
voiced on both sides. To do otherwise would not be in the best interest
of true discussion/debate. In that context there will always be people
with different agendas whether they be ones we support or not. People
get angry about things w the LMS software that they do not like and
should be able to also criticize the evaluation of audio equipment that
people speak about. The purpose of a forum is for the discussion and
exchange of ideas, without varying opinions it is worthless.

dasmueller's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=38035
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103842

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