Julf wrote: 
> Not going to touch the politics with a 3-metre pole, but I think what we
> are seeing in high end audio, politics, health fads etc. is actually
> rejection of science and escapism - into "my opinion is just as valid as
> that of all those fancy PhDs".

I agree and therefore apologize for my lapse into politics. However I
don't think of it as a rejection of science but rather a rejection of
any science which gets in the way of profits, which is why Al Gore used
the label "An Inconvenient Truth". 

cliveb wrote: 
> The way you phrase it implies that the conspiracy is being perpetrated
> by organisations and individuals who have full knowledge that they are
> lying and it is all nonsense.
> But I think that the vast majority of high-end audio manufacturers
> actually believe their own propaganda.
> Which in a way is even more shocking: the vendors of items of
> engineering don't actually understand the engineering they are
> delivering.
> Keep in mind Hanlon's razor: "never ascribe to malice that which can be
> explained by stupidity"?

I believe that most high end audio engineers and designers fully
understand the science of audio but they are only a small part of the
team that make up a high end audio manufacturer. It's the marketing
people and others who are directing these engineers into the world of
voodoo science. For example I believe that the engineering team which
developed Audioquest's Jitterbug know full well that it's a complete
waste of money but that money is paying their salaries.

arnyk wrote: 
> Current understandings of perception and memory suggest that initially
> these people may have been well-tutored in the basics, and knew them
> very well. However, years of success with we might call  "Alternative
> wisdom" has literally changed their minds.  The name John Atkinson
> somehow comes to mind. ;-)

Even hinting that John Atkinson (or for that matter Robert Harley) has
or ever had any understanding of the basics of audio engineering is
completely laughable and an insult to all engineers, not just audio
engineers. They are both plain and simply shills for their advertisers.
Giving them even the slightest hint of respectability is exactly how
they are able to succeed. I much prefer to call them what they really
are - people who lie for money.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
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