TimT wrote: 
> Perhaps. Consider this: John Audiophile has just dropped $15,000 on a
> pair of speakers, $7500 on amplification and playback. What
> interconnects does he buy? $15 for a pair of 10-foot speaker cables? Or
> does he spend $300 on a "name brand" pair? Maybe $300 won't buy him
> better sound; but almost certainly, John A thinks, it won't buy him
> worse sound. No question that John can afford to spend more. What would
> you do? What does the "rational audiophile" do?I'll answer i.r.o. what I did 
> and have stayed with having dropped
$30,000 in 2004 money on a pair of active speakers and preamplifier.  I
bought a run of Belden 1800F and as many Neutrik connectors as I needed
to make up interconnects from DAC to preamp and preamp to speakers, had
them made up and soldered using silver solder.  Over the years I've had
many audiophiles through my place, many with exotic cable in hand to
prove I was missing something.  After listening they've all left

SqueezeWand | 'Vivere DAC MKI'
(http://vivereaudio.com/post/2013/08/16/DAC-I-is-Born!.aspx) | 'ATC

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'puddletag' (http://puddletag.sourceforge.net/)* - now packaged in most
Linux distributions.
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