Hi all.

This has certainly been an interesting thread with a lot of

As I have detailed in my own thread which started as "Unused Transporter
SE's on eBay.com" but continued into recent changes to my own system, I
am now using a Mytek Brooklyn DAC with my own Transporter. I don't claim
that its DAC itself is audibly superior (although it would measure
better in lab tests) to that of the Transporter's, but what does seem to
me to make a difference is slaving the Transporter to the Brooklyn's
word clock output. This reduces the jitter on the stream of 0's & 1's
feeding the DAC from around 20ps to 0.8ps.

I know that Sean worked hard in 2005 to keep the jitter on the
Transporter to a minimum, but if you think he thought 20ps was
sufficiently low to be inaudible you might ask why he then also gave the
Transporter a word clock in connection.

If you don't believe me, try it for yourself: no exotic cabling, just
standard "studio grade" cables from Canford Audio, which are probably
exactly the sort of interconnects used to make the recordings you're
listening to in the first place...

I cheerfully wait to be flamed by someone about this, but jitter is the
only thing that can affect a digital signal (other than losing some of
the 0's & 1's of course). My brain, like the vast majority of musical
instruments, is an analogue device not a digital one - I am not aware of
any scientific principle that establishes a minimum jitter threshold of

Happy listening,
Dave :)

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