Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi all.
> This has certainly been an interesting thread with a lot of
> spleen-venting!
> As I have detailed in my own thread which started as "Unused Transporter
> SE's on" but continued into recent changes to my own system, I
> am now using a Mytek Brooklyn DAC with my own Transporter. I don't claim
> that its DAC itself is audibly superior (although it would measure
> better in lab tests) to that of the Transporter's, but what does seem to
> me to make a difference is slaving the Transporter to the Brooklyn's
> word clock output. This reduces the jitter on the stream of 0's & 1's
> feeding the DAC from around 20ps to 0.8ps.
> I know that Sean worked hard in 2005 to keep the jitter on the
> Transporter to a minimum, but if you think he thought 20ps was
> sufficiently low to be inaudible you might ask why he then also gave the
> Transporter a word clock in connection.
> If you don't believe me, try it for yourself: no exotic cabling, just
> standard "studio grade" cables from Canford Audio, which are probably
> exactly the sort of interconnects used to make the recordings you're
> listening to in the first place...
> I cheerfully wait to be flamed by someone about this, but jitter is the
> only thing that can affect a digital signal (other than losing some of
> the 0's & 1's of course). My brain, like the vast majority of musical
> instruments, is an analogue device not a digital one - I am not aware of
> any scientific principle that establishes a minimum jitter threshold of
> inaudibility...
> Happy listening,
> Dave :)

Note the recommendation of magic cables from Canford Audio.  Note that
Canford cables sell many different kinds of audio cable. Which one,
specifically?  Why not any of the many other sources of pro audio

Just another friendly post encouraging you to do a sighted evaluation so
that preconceived notions about sound quality can dictate the outcome of
the evaluation. 

No flame - just the relevant facts.

The actual audibility of 20 psec jitter with musical program material is
generally non-existent. In fact, if transcribed from any analog
recording (analog tape or vinyl) , the recording will have many times
that amount of jitter "baked into" it from the analog domain. Ever hear
someone rant and rave about the jitter in analog tapes or vinyl? Funny
thing is that its there and generally in audible amounts, unlike the
usual situation with pure digital recordings.

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