On 11/03/2016, Optusnet <jjsincl...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> That's all fine and well Mark until it comes to your CFI and ultimately
> Chris Thorpe to authorise your operations as a pilot.

> At some point some poor bunny has to put their neck on the block and be
> prepared to look your wife and kids in the eye and say. " I conducted his
> AFR as required by a approved revalidation program, a program that is
> authorised by an authority that has been shown to lower the risk of
> sailplane flying. I am terribly sorry and devastated that he has had a fatal
> accident however he deliberately chose to -insertSOPbreachhere- and that
> substantially increased the risk to his operation. My sign off on his AFR
> was very clear in the expectation to follow the guidance given by those that
> authorise our operation.

If I crashed my car, my driving instructor and the person who
conducted my driving test would not be placed in this position. Ditto
for my boat. Why is gliding special?


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