To fix a problem it is first necessary to acknowledge its existence.
Why do you come here to act as the GFA Board troll?


At 04:44 PM 2/14/2017, you wrote:
are you willing to actually do something constructive or just happy to continue to sling mostly repetitive inflammatory mud.

On 14 Feb 2017, at 5:38 PM, Mike Borgelt <<>> wrote:

At 06:12 AM 2/12/2017, you wrote:

So the LAW provides that after 40hours of tuition and post solo flying a PPL(A) holder can throw his wife and kids in a plane and fly across Australia.

What makes gliding so special? Why does only 10% of power time count towards an independent operators ticket when your glider time counts 100% for a PPL (CASR 61.070)?

The accident statistics expressed as accidents/fatalities per 100,000 hours are flawed when it comes to gliding. The hours flown in gliders supplied to BITRE by GFA are clearly a fabrication. The latest published report is 2013:


It is generally acknowledged that there are less than 700 gliders with Form2's and consequently capable of being flown. If 700 aircraft flew 182,500 hours the average per aircraft is about 260 hours per aircraft - obviously BS.

The best guess estimate would be closer to 40,000 hours in which case the accident rate would be 3 to 4 times higher.

These assertions are supported by the BITRE report from 2004:


Note that the hours per aircraft are around 60 hours per annum (even if all were airworthy) and the hours per launch is around 0.7.(by 2013 this had doubled) Note also the consistent decline in the hours flown and the lack of statistics for 2000 -2004.

It can only be concluded that any accident rate claimed for gliding is not based on fact and is most likely 3-4 times higher than claimed.

So everybody here is OK with silly restrictions on experienced pilots imposed by a system that cannot even maintain quality or discipline on the instructor body? Or report honestly to the government when required to.

That Beverley crash (I won't call these accidents) is disgraceful. As was the Ararat crash and a similar crash with somewhat less tragic outcome at Beverley a few years before that. How many more of these instructors are lurking in the system?


Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
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Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
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