At 06:19 PM 29/10/03 +1100, you wrote:
>>      In your opinion what is the best transponder option for gliders.
>>(i.e lowest power consumption and weight.)
>I haven't done the figures but my gut feeling is that for operations out of 
>Gawler (which is where I think you fly from), the cost effective option is a 
>really good pair of sunglasses, a canopy polish and a good night's sleep.
>I don't believe the cost of a transponder and attendant power supply/antenna 
>and fitting costs (I would estimate about $5-6000 total min) is justified 
>unless you value your life at several billion dollars.   The collision 
>probability with a TCAS equipped aircraft (and they're the only ones a 
>transponder will help you with) is that low.

Unless of course he wants to go to other places and fly in E airspace
within 40nm of a Class D tower. If you should ever want a clearance through
C airspace the transponder will help also. Try getting a clearance through
a military Restricted area without one.


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