At 10:38 AM 30/10/03 +1100, you wrote:
>The real treats have been identified
>Other gliders,
>The Tug and,
>Transiting aircraft (particularly VFR) many of these guys have no idea about
>gliders and their cross country capabilities, and think we circle close to
>airfields all day
>Our site (Bunyan) is close to Cooma and Polo Flat. Our location and radio
>contact details are in ERSA, our airfield is on all current airways charts
>including instrument approach plates, and will appear on the next Melbourne
>WAC edition.
>Despite this we continually have VFR and Turbine RPT traffic blast past
>Recently we even had a Helicopter land on our airfield unannounced and
>without permission during a weekend operation. I also know a chap who
>fortunately no longer flies, who was flying turbine aircraft, his attitude
>was I'm doing 240 kts
>and the rest of you can get out of my way, your all dangerous (his words).
>All the airspace reforms, radios, transponders, ADSB, etc are useless while
>we have pilots flying with that kind attitude.
>Keep your eyes open.

Which is why the NASIG folks talk about the required cultural change in
Australian aviation.

If you like what the changes will do for gliding and VFR GA then it might
be an idea to get on to pprune, register and put in your 2c worth in
support. Don't let the regional airline pilots and the people Stuart talks
anbout above have all the running.

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