Peter Creswick wrote:

Good on you Robert.
Getting gliding a profile in the wider aviation press is a good idea / move. But, different magazines do have different reader bases, and different sensitivities.
We should be careful to ensure we,:
(a) keep the "dirty linen" articles in-house, on this list, in "our" magazines etc, and

Absolutely - there is very little to be gained by taking the problems we have (or don't have depending on who is talking) in gliding outside the gliding world. Apart from anything else, no-one (with the possible exception of CASA) would be interested.

(b) write good, informative, persuasive, uplifting advertorial type articles for external publications.

I am working on two additional articles, but a major problem I have is the provision of high quality air to air photos. I really want some gaggle shots from a comp, but whilst I have a camera that can shoot them, I can't do that whilst flying Alice (my eyes and brain need to be fully engaged in the flying and look out). I tried at the recent Qld state comp to get one of the two seaters to take some shots, but for various reasons they weren't able to do so.

I will be trying again at the NSW comps starting in 10 day's time - so if there's someone here flying in a two seater that can help with this I would be most grateful!

Robert Hart                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533              

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