Good on you Robert.
Getting gliding a profile in the wider aviation press is a good idea / move.
But, different magazines do have different reader bases, and different sensitivities.
We should be careful to ensure we,:
(a) keep the "dirty linen" articles in-house, on this list, in "our" magazines etc, and (b) write good, informative, persuasive, uplifting advertorial type articles for external publications.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Hart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." <>
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] Australian Flying magazine

Kevin McGowan wrote:

Having just read an article in a leading aviation magazine under the banner "Ask The Expert" by Robert Hart I now wonder if as a level 2 instructor / chairman instuctor panel maybe he does know better than the rest of us. Then again we have all heard the definition of an expert.


(just a correction - I am chairman of the /*cross country*/ instructor panel - the CFI is of course the chairman of the full panel)

I hate the moniker of 'expert' - but it is a regular column in that magazine and that's what I wrote for. I hated the title of 'expert' being applied to me in other fields as well during various parts of my professional life in a variety of countries. In every case, I am only too well aware that I do not know everything - because that is impossible. Just try teaching anything to learn how quickly students can push you to and beyond the boundaries of your knowledge! But then, that's what makes teaching so interesting.

I ended up getting hooked into writing for Australian Flying after hearing that the magazine used to have regular gliding articles. So I contacted the editor and asked if she was interested in more gliding content following the recent Super Dimona feature. If so, I was interested in contributing. After she had read some of my Alice articles, we talked a bit about things and the column in Australian Flying was the result.

Australian Flying is, I think, a very good place for us to showcase gliding to the rest of the aviation world in Australia as it is out on the news stands and is read (predominantly) by non-gliding people. I would encourage other people to consider writing articles for this magazine so that we continue to present to the wider aviation world.

Of course, we should also be writing articles for our own magazine as well.

+61 (0)438 385 533

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