HI all,

As Anthony said, the occurrence of accidents in gliding has been studied for
many years, going back thru the old issues of AG there seem to be regular
bursts of fatal accidents.

The stall/spin accident features regularly in such bursts and was addressed
as a separate problem in several articles by Mike Valentine describing the
problem and drawing some conclusions. Perhaps its time to go back to these
and see if there is any relevant info which will help address this issue. It
is notable that the recent run of accidents seems to commence a year or two
after the loss of Mike, who's writing and actions on safety as part of the
GFA system were first class, he was a great loss to us all. 

Past analysis concluded that changes of personnel in the hierarchy of the
GFA have often preceded these bursts, not that this was a causal factor,
more that the loss of experience gained the hard way, taking time to be
replaced, sadly the hard way again. Which brings me to reporting of
accidents/incidents, This was regular and valuable part of the safety system
in the past, but has become a joke at the hands of the more recent GFA

The current GFA mushroom tactics of "don't tell us what happened" is
particularly annoying as it deprives us all of valuable data which may help
prevent future occurrences, AS HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. The usual party
line is privacy factors prevent such reports, however the HGFA doesn't seem
to be restricted in this way-they report accident and incidents regularly.
Why on earth cant we? There is no reason that reports that do not identify
the party/parties involved could not be published. There is no need for
these to apportion blame, just state the basic facts.

I will look up some of the articles concerned and post some quotes as soon
as possible. Maybe we need a website where such reports can be submitted

This is not a new situation, it has been addressed before and can be
addressed again, but not by keep-us-in-the-dark-and-feed-us-b******* but
open and frank reporting and discussion. The last mention of accidents in a
recent Soaring Aust told us virtually nothing about the cause of the
accidents. A once a year touring safety seminar is no substitute, the
resulting outcome of that strategy is right in front of us in the start of
this thread.

Accident reports are valuable to us all. I view them as potential life
savers, despite the views of *some* in the system who seem determined to
keep us in the dark at all costs, including trying to discredit the accuracy
of reports. We cannot expect the media to report accurately if we leave an
information vacuum speculation is invited, and the media will speculate,
probably poorly. That is our fault not the media's. 

Regards all

Dave L

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