One might not have to "push" to get it on the air, but maybe just suggest?
I don't know if anyone has emailed/contacted any commercial stations, but
maybe we just need to contact them and explain that we believe it would be
beneficial to both us/the GFA and the TV station, saying that if Red Bull
Air Races can pull ratings, this has a good chance too.
I for one think it's a fabulous idea, and that it would be wonderful to see
Gladiators shown on TV. Even if it weren't at prime time, say late at night
or middle of the day, it would still be a good thing.

Yes? No? Maybe?

On 20/06/07, Geoff Kidd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I support the thrust of Stuart's post.

I don't know of ANYBODY outside of the Gliding Community who are aware
that there is such a thing as "Cross Country Soaring", let alone reasonable
distances. And that includes many in the GA & RAA community.

In my view it is "Cross Country Soaring" that is the greatest potential
hook for the growth of long term members for the GFA.

The main impression held by the general public is, in my view, that we
launch then fly around over the launch point for less than half an hour
while the glider descends, and then we land. While that may be seen as
interesting to some, such an impression is hardly a turn-on to many
potential members who have potential to dedicate themselves to the sport and
have the warewithall to buy new machines.

Re videos ....... I reckon that "A Fine Week of Soaring" gives the most
realistic impression of what the sport is really all about ......... and
what a buzzzzzzz it can be.

Regards Geoff

----- Original Message -----
*From:* Stuart & Kerri FERGUSON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*To:* 'Dave Shorter' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; 'Discussion of issues relating
to Soaring in Australia.' <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 20, 2007 1:48 PM
*Subject:* [Aus-soaring] Promoting Gliding

 The following extract from Dave's post sounds very encouraging, and I do
not doubt a word of it.

* *

*Entries will be limited to 60 gliders. As Lake Keepit is a very popular
site, with great variety, (and friendly people) we expect a full field. We
were oversubscribed last time and unfortunately had to turn away some late
entries. I suggest you enter early to avoid disappointment*.

What it does say to me is, those of us involved with the sport are very
enthusiastic about it and the popularity of events like this, the Narromine
Cup etc reinforce this view. On the other side of the coin we have the
discussions about the demise of gliding due to the age profile of the
majority of those taking part and the lack of new members.

I know the GFA are spending money talking about the problem, gathering
statistics and holding meetings, but we are not seeing the required outcome
which is increased membership numbers, this should be the number one KPI for
this project.

Gliding is a challenge, it is exciting, and it is Hi-tech, but is that how
the public perceive it?  Most of the public and a majority of GA pilots
think that gliding is going round in circles within gliding distance of the
local airfield on a Sunday afternoon, why?  Because that is all they see us
doing. What I believe needs to be done is make the sport more visible and
the way to do this is via the electronic media. The GFA (because this what
they need to do) need to have produced short video documentaries that would
be suitable for TV and other visual electronic media 5 minute filers, 30 and
60 minute sport documentaries similar to those seen on Fox Sport etc based
round some of our big events, JoeyGlide is a prime target for such an
activity. If they can make some of the boring activities I have seem made
look interesting in these productions just imagine what could be done with

Are we up to the challenge?



*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Dave Shorter
*Sent:* Wednesday, 20 June 2007 11:49 AM
*To:* Aus-soaring List
*Subject:* [Aus-soaring] NSWGA Comps at Lake Keepit in November;

Entries are coming in for the NSW State competition being held at Lake
Keepit from Sat Nov 10th thru Sat Nov 17th. Entry forms and Local Rules are
listed on our website (Note new website address).

If you're interested I suggest you make early arrangements as we expect a
good crowd at this event.

Both multiclass competitions (std, 15m, 18m and open) and club class are
being catered for. Club class comps at State level are a great way for less
experienced Club pilots to try comp flying. Club class also gives those with
older gliders a chance. Club class tasks will all be Assigned Area Tasks. We
intend to set a mixture of fixed tasks and AAT for multiclasses.

In the interests of safety, carriage of a working Flarm or equivalent
proximity warning device will be mandatory. Fitting Flarm units to your
glider will be your responsibility - Lake Keepit Club will not be providing
extra Flarms for competitors. Nigel Andrews at RF Developments supplies Flarm units in

Accommodation - Onsite cabins and beds will be reserved for workers in the
comp and you should make your own accommodation arrangements. Camping at the
airfield is available - bring long electrical leads. Otherwise the Lake
Keepit Caravan Park is holding accommodation for the Gliding Club - be sure
to mention you are part of the Comp when requesting bookings. (Its filling fast) There is
also the NSW State Sport & Recreation Centre nearby Nearest motels are at
Manilla and Gunnedah approx half hour drive away.

Entries will be limited to 60 gliders. As Lake Keepit is a very popular
site, with great variety, (and friendly people) we expect a full field. We
were oversubcribed last time and unfortunately had to turn away some late
entries. I suggest you enter early to avoid disappointment.

We'll look forward to seeing you in November.

Dave Shorter
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Note - no "au" in address)
11 Lighthouse Crescent
Emerald Beach NSW 2456
Ph/Fax: (02)6656 1979


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<Dro0> i dont wanna be alarmist here
<Dro0> but i'm prety sure that the guy trying to configure the core router
in chicago
<Dro0> is googling "subnetting"
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