Hi All,

Entry form and local rules for the NSW State competition being held at Lake 
Keepit from Sat Nov 10th thru Sat Nov 17th are now list on our website 

We look forward to receiving your entries.

Both multiclass competitions (std, 15m, 18m and open) and club class are being 
catered for. Club class comps at State level are a great way for less 
experienced Club pilots to try comp flying. Club class also gives those with 
older gliders a chance. Club class tasks will all be Assigned Area Tasks. We 
intend to set a mixture of fixed tasks and AAT for multiclasses.

In the interests of safety carriage of a working Flarm or equivalent proximity 
warning device will be mandatory. Fitting Flarm units to your glider will be 
your responsibility - Lake Keepit Club will not be providing extra Flarms for 
competitors. Nigel Andrews at RF Developments 
http://www.rf-developments.com/page008.html supplies Flarm units in Australia.

Accommodation - Onsite cabins and beds will be reserved for workers in the comp 
and you should make your own accommodation arrangements. Camping at the 
airfield is available - bring long electrical leads. Otherwise the Lake Keepit 
Caravan Park is holding accommodation for the Gliding Club - be sure to mention 
you are part of the Comp when requesting bookings. 
http://www.stateparks.nsw.gov.au/keepit.html (Its filling fast) There is also 
the NSW State Sport & Recreation Centre nearby 
http://www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/lakekeepit/index.asp. Nearest motels are at Manilla 
and Gunnedah approx half hour drive away.

Entries will be limited to 60 gliders. As Lake Keepit is a very popular site, 
with great variety, (and friendly people) we have were oversubcribed last time 
and unfortunately had to turn away some late entries. I suggest you enter early 
to avoid disappointment. 

We'll look forward to seeing you in November.

Dave Shorter
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Note - no "au" in address)
11 Lighthouse Crescent
Emerald Beach NSW 2456
Ph/Fax: (02)6656 1979

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