james crowhurst wrote:

> Floating round the airfiled in a K7 is gliding. 350km @ 130kph in a 
> nationals is /sailplane racing, /
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /
>     /
I am struck by a sailboat racing analogy, - for every yacht that races 
in the Hobart race, there are 10,000 that just go puttering around the 
bay on a Saturday. For every sailplane that races in the Nationals , 
there are 100 that "float around the airfield". Bear in mind that even 
those who fly a K7 will do a 200km on a Saturday afternoon, and will be 
enjoying every minute. By all means promote the elite, but ensure that 
Joe Public knows that he can fly around the airfield, or go 50 or 100km 
crosscountry in the most basic of gliders at very little cost, and have 
a ball doing it. When I talk to people about flying, they're amazed that 
we can do more than go up and come down like Aunt Fanny did on her AEF. 
Promotion of the Americas Cup is great for TV but it is the small 
trailersailer or the outboard tinny that gets people onto the water. 
It's the K7 , the Twin Astir, and the Libelle that get people into the air.
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