On 04/12/2007, at 12:20 AM, Mike Borgelt wrote:

> At 10:07 PM 3/12/2007, you wrote:
>> On 03/12/2007, at 7:51 PM, Mike Borgelt wrote:
>>> As for climate change, check out this paper that uses the IPCC's own
>>> model simulation outputs and compares it to the measured data.
>> http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Science_and_Public_Policy_Institute
>> http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Center_for_the_Study_of_Carbon_Dioxide_and_Global_Change
>> http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Heartland_Institute
>>    - mark
> So what's your point , Mark?

Merely that consideration of the source is part and parcel
of the assessment of new information.

The possibility that climate change scientists are a bunch of loons
pushing political barrows doesn't disqualify the possibility that
Christopher Monckton is also a loon pushing a political barrow.

There are enough rebuttals and debunkings available via a quick
bout with Google to allow educated readers can draw their own
conclusions after consuming a wide array of alternative
dissertations and applying their own intelligence to test the
veracity of the findings therein.

Suffice to say that regardless of whether the skeptics or the boosters
are right, you probably could have chosen a better example to
illustrate your point.

> I searched for the "Center for Media and Democracy" who run  
> sourcewatch:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Media_and_Democracy Yeah, I
> know it's wikipedia but it's probably at least as reliable as  
> sourcewatch.

Well, now that you've announced that wikipedia is reliable enough to
be used to press a debating point, perhaps it's my turn.


The guy is a kook.  Anyone who relies on him for persuasion damages
their own cause by doing so.  You can't expect to be taken seriously
when you point at such compromised dickheads as authoritative
primary sources.

> All this climate change hysteria  is about as sensible as burning
> witches.

Sure, but who's hysterical?  I think your reaction in the last
few hours has been somewhat disproportionate to the items you
were responding to.  Is that a workable example of hysteria?

It's well known that humans are spectacularly bad at judging and
assessing risk, especially when egged on in large groups.  People
come out with the most outlandish crap and other individuals in
positions of authority give them credibility because in a CYA
atmosphere it's easier to treat every threat as serious and be
wrong than it is to blow-off the dumb ones and potentially be wrong
about that instead.  Yes, basic judgement skills are sorely lacking
faculties, always have been, always will be.

But sheeeeit, Mike -- Nonckton's judgement skills are every bit
as suspect and lacking as the gestalt hive-mind you so thoroughly
denigrate.  You're not going to win any converts to rationality
by rallying behind his flag.  We're talking about a guy who thinks
HIV carriers should be locked up in solitary quarantine for the
rest of their lives, and who threatens legal action against people
who criticise him on the Internet.  It's all very well to say
that one should attack the message rather than the messenger, but
anyone who thinks _this_ messenger has anything worthwhile to say
about any subject at all is stressing the boundaries of credulity
well beyond their design limits.

   - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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