Although we mailed the January issue on December 19, we would not expect
most world readers to get their copy before Christmas. Nevertheless it is
worth waiting for.
1. The lead story is about the fabulous find of a whole new Gliding Site in
Utah USA called Nephi.  It has everything you could want in a gliding site ­
read the full story and possibly go and enjoy the facilities.
2. Aldo Cernezzi our sailplane specialist and evaluator writes about Binders
EB28. This 60:1 plus sailplane with the latest models now having 30m wing
spans is something to behold.  Photographs that are simply breathtaking.
3. You have never seen a photo of a sailplane grid with 131 gliders before.
Positioned with great care, the photo is spell-binding. Taken at the 31st
Worlds in Poland, 2014.
4. A story about the ŒWK² aircraft that combines into a power aircraft tug
and a high performance 18 metre sailplane.  A unique concept that is seeking
investors to hold their hand up and help get the project into the air.
5. Our first ever story about gliding in Ireland. Our pilot writes about his
flight from Dublin to Ulster (Northern Ireland) and back.  Fascinating!
6. Centre spread is a photo of two sailplanes preparing to land at Rieti,
Italy.  Great viewing and previously unpublished.
7. An in-depth story with supporting photographs of the new air-traffic
control tower system being manned via scene capturing cameras. The tower of
the future, America is looking seriously at establishing a net work.
8. Tell your 70 year old friend it is not too late to start to learn
gliding.  An evaluation of the opportunities available to those in the
latter span of life.
9. Story about an electric mobility cycle that folds sufficiently small
enough to fit in the locker of your sailplane.  Makes you mobile wherever
you land out.
10. The Germans have developed a paint that when applied acts like on giant
solar cell. Has a future for sailplanes.
11. Learning to use the radio has become a limiting hazard for new trainees.
In this issue,  an article that will help the novice overcome the necessity
of ³learning the new language² involved in radio communication.
12. Learning to cloud fly will definitely improve your thermalling technique
and make you a more precise thermalling pilot and increase your cross
country speeds. A review on whether you should learn to cloud fly.
13. Germany is spending 82.4 million Euros on a new aviation research centre
involving 14 major aviation organisations.  Gliding is part of the
development of this major concept that will open in December 2015.  A great
14. The first sustainer jet unit has been has officially been rated and
approved by Germany¹s EASA. Complete details in this issue.

15 There is talk amongst designers that smaller rudders with induced air
flows can lead to greater sailplane performance. NASA is involved in
researching this concept.
16. Battery recharging can now be achieved from wing flexing. Has all the
signs of likely advantages for your sailplane. A small unit that that can be
retro fitted.
17. Lange (Germany) has just been involved in another court case over year¹s
delay in production and not being able to refund deposits.
18. Jonker JS1¹s now available ex a factory in Germany and  being EASA
19. The world¹s leading 20 sailplane pilots is now headed by a Polish pilot.
The list shows them in order as at December 20.
20 The first ever plastic sailplane (made in 1958 ) rescued from the scrap
heap and being restored.
All this and 60 more news items from Gliding¹s International scene.
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