
Is it possible for the link below to be Sabinas Mom and Dad?

It is the only Pascoal I have been able to find before Sabinas baptism 
(1831) in Ribeira Seca.


On Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 10:18:26 AM UTC-8, linda wrote:
> Hi Louie,
> Here's my transcription and translation of the record you posted:  
> Sabina filha de Pascoal Machado Men-
> donca, e de sua mulher Margarida Rosa am-
> bos naturaes da Paroquial Igreja de S. Tiago
> do lugar da R.a Secca termo da V.a da Calhe
> ta da Ilha de S. Jorge, freguezes desta Pa
> roquial Igreja do gloriozo S. Lazaro do So
> bredito termo nasceo em o dia vinte e nove do
> mes de Janeiro do anno de 1821 e foi baptizada
> em os trinta do mesmo mez e anno forao Padri-
> nhos Antonio Severino, e Sabina d'Azevedo fi
> lhos d'Antonio Pedroso de Borba e de sua mulher
> Anna d'Az.o. Testemunhos Agostinho Silvr.a
> [...torn..] d'Az.o, e Manoel Jose de Sz.a todos naturaes e
> [...torn..] freguezes da Supra dita Parochial de S. Lazaro
> [...torn..]ue Lancei este termo que assigno comas ditos
> [..torn..]munhos  [hash marks] Era ut Supra O Vigario Ma-
> [..torn..].a d'Av.o[a?] Agostinho Silvr.a Az.o
> Manoel [torn] de Sz.a
> Sabina daughter of Pascoal Machado Men-
> donca and of his wife Margarida Rosa both
> natives of the Parochial church of Saint Iago 
> of the place of Ribeira Seca district of Villa da Calheta
> of the Island of Sao Jorge, [the parents are] parishioners of this
> Parochial Church of Sao Lazaro of the
> above said district [the baby, Sabina] was born on the 29th day of the
> month of January of the year of 1821 and was baptised
> on the 30th of the same month and year, the Godparents were
> Antonio Severino and Sabina d'Azevedo 
> children/offspring of Antonio Pedroso de Borba and his wife
> Anna d'Azevedo. Witnesses [were] Agostinho Silveira
> [....] d'Azevedo, and Manoel Jose de Souza all natives and
> [....] parishioners of the above said Parish of Sao Lazaro
> [....] I made this record which I signed along with the said
> witnesses.  Era ut Supra The Vicar ...[Signatures follow] 
> I have trouble differentiating his "s" vs. "z" and "a" vs. "o"-- there are 
> likely other errors--but I hope it's a helpful start,
> Linda
> On Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 12:42:57 AM UTC-8, LouieLouieOhOh wrote:
>> To be honest ... what started me on this particular journey ... was the 
>> baptism record for Sabina (bottom left of this record. She "appears" to be 
>> my 2X Great grandmother.
>> I think it lists her father as Pascoal Machado Mendonca and mother is 
>> Margarida Rosa ... but I'm confused about the rest of the record from that 
>> point to the end ... my Portuguese is not good so ... I am looking for help.
>> What does the record say beyond that point?
>> Louie 

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