On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 20:07:24 -0000, Khazeh Fananapazir

> Gilberto dear friend
Dear Khazeh

You write below: 
> In the Kitab i Iqan Baha'u'llah says many wonderful things about the Holy
> Qur'an:

And I agree in alot of ways. There are many nice things said about the
Quran, and Muhammad and the imams etc. in the Bahai writings. But they
also say all kinds of nice things about all sorts of things. But its
like "killing someone with kindness".

In the passage below it seems like certain things are being said but
I'm not certain how seriously they are believed. (OR maybe its just a
translation problem). I emphasize some phrases by writing them in all
caps. Perhaps you can help explain to me what is being suggested by
those phrases and what they mean to you.

>     Wherefore, O my friend, it behooveth Us to exert the highest endeavour
> to attain unto that City, and, by the grace of God and His loving-kindness,
> rend asunder the "veils of glory"; so that, with inflexible steadfastness,
> we may sacrifice our drooping souls in the path of the New Beloved.  We
> should with tearful eyes, fervently and repeatedly, implore Him to grant us
> the favour of that grace.  That city is none other than the Word of God
> revealed in every age and dispensation. In the days of Moses it was the
> Pentateuch; in the days of Jesus the Gospel; in the days of Muhammad the
> Messenger of God the Qur'an; in this day the Bayan; and in the dispensation
> of Him Whom God will make manifest His own Book - the Book unto which all
> the Books of former Dispensations must needs be referred, the Book which
> standeth amongst them all transcendent and supreme.  In these cities
> spiritual sustenance is bountifully provided, and INCORRUPTIBLE DELIGHTS
> have been ordained.  The food they bestow is the bread of heaven, and the
> Spirit they impart is GOD'S IMPERISHABLE BLESSING.  Upon detached souls they
> bestow the gift of Unity, enrich the destitute, and offer the cup of
> knowledge unto them who wander in the wilderness of ignorance.  All the
> guidance, the blessings, the learning, the understanding, the faith, and
> certitude, conferred upon all that is in heaven and on earth, are hidden and
> treasured within these Cities.
>     For instance, the Qur'an was an IMPREGNABLE STRONGHOLD unto the people
> of Muhammad.  In His days, whosoever entered therein, was shielded from the
> devilish assaults, the menacing darts, the soul-devouring doubts, and
> blasphemous whisperings of the enemy.  Upon him was also bestowed a portion
> of the everlasting and goodly fruits - the fruits of wisdom, from the divine
> Tree.  To him was given to drink THE INCORRUPTIBLE WATERS of the river of
> knowledge, and to taste the wine of the mysteries of divine Unity.
>     All the things that people required in connection with the Revelation
> of Muhammad and His laws were to be found revealed and manifest in that
> Ridvan of resplendent glory.  That Book constitutes an ABIDING TESTIMONY to
> its people after Muhammad, inasmuch as its decrees are indisputable, and its
> promise unfailing. 
[end quote]

So all those highlighted words give the impression of the Quran as
being a text with ongoing effects. Aspects of the book are
incorruptible, imperishable, impregnable and abiding. But then on
further reflection the writings are saying that it is only till the
year 60, no?

> All have been enjoined to follow the precepts of that
> Book until "the year sixty"(1260 AH) - the year of the advent of God's
> wondrous Manifestation.  That Book is the Book which unfailingly leadeth the
> seeker unto the Ridvan of the divine Presence, and causeth him that hath
> forsaken his country and is treading the seeker's path to enter the
> Tabernacle of everlasting reunion.  Its guidance can never err, its
> testimony no other testimony can excel.  All other traditions, all other
> books and records, are bereft of such distinction, inasmuch as both the
> traditions and they that have spoken them are confirmed and proven solely by
> the text of that Book.  Moreover, the traditions themselves grievously
> differ, and their obscurities are manifold.

The differences and obscurities of hadith are being extremely
exagerated. Even if you look at the split between sunni and shia,
which is probably the most contraversial difference of opinion in
Islam, there are several events which for shia are important for
trying to show that Muhammad (saaws) designated Ali (ra) as his
successor. The amazing thing is that many of these instances are
actually described in the sunni collections as well. In other words,
sunnis and shias, even on these contraversal points, the hadith agree
about what was said.  The difference of opinion is what the words mean
and what their implications are.

>     Muhammad, Himself, as the end of His mission drew nigh, spoke these
> words:  "Verily, I leave amongst you My twin weighty testimonies:  The Book
> of God and My Family."
>        (Baha'u'llah:  The Kitab-i-Iqan, Pages: 198-201)
> Interestingly of course the exalted Bab was both the "Family" and the Book
> [from the Bayan]

Yes, this is a hadith found in both the sunni and shia collections. 
Something which should be said is that the Family includes ALOT of
people. The descendants of the prophet aren't some rare narrow line
which is on the verge of extinction. For example, apparently not just
the Bab and Bahaullah but the  Ayatollah Khomeini was also a
descendent of the prophet Muhammad for what its worth. So is the Agha
Khan as are members of some of the Middle Eastern royal families. And
throughout the years there have also been many well regarded Muslim
awliya ("saints") who followed the Quran and have not tried to start
new religions who have also been descendants from the prophet.



"My people are hydroponic"

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