gilberto wrote:
. God's omnipotence doesn't imply for me that
morality can be arbitrary.

How could anything that God does be considered arbitrary when He always
warns a people before he destroys them; and without His permission, nothing
can occur?

"And of old destroyed we generations before you, when they had acted
wickedly, and their Apostles had come to them with clear tokens of their
mission, and they would not believe: - thus reward we the wicked."  (The
Qur'an (Rodwell tr), Sura  10 - Jonah, Peace be on Him!)

 And an argument can still be made that
certain actions are intrinsically right while others are intrinsically

As there is no power greater than God; and as nothing can withstand His
power; all must submit; including that which men may call "instrinsically"
of worth or not of worth.  All worth or value, as I am certain you are
aware, is dependent upon the will of God.

In Greek philosophy there is the famous question, "Do the gods order
men to do "the good" because it's good? Or is the good good, because
the gods order it?" Personally I would lean towards the first, while
Bahais seem to lean towards the second.

What is the worth of the sayings of men before the Word of God?  Would I
rather find my way in the dark with a flickering candle or have the dark
dispersed by the light of the sun?

I think I would also distinguish between rituals changing and certain
ethical principles. So for instance, I think the qiblah change is more
a matter of obedience, but something like the abolition of slavery is
more related to moral reasoning.

Could we depend upon "moral reasoning" rather than the Revelation of God;
most certainly He would have revealed it  and given us guidance upon the
identification and application thereof.  But, thank God, as the reasoning of
men is flawed and the guidance of God is without error, He in His infiinite
Mercy has provided us  with the Guidance which allows us to dispense even
with our own error.




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