Dear mbak,

coba bantu, ya.

intinya mah, vitamin itu hanya penunjang. yang utama adalah makan makanan
yang bergizi.

u/ asam folat, dalam sehari minimal dibutuhkan 400 mikrogram. kalau dibaca
kandungan obimin di medicastore (lihat di bawah), kandungan asam folatnya
.25 mg, berarti 250 mikrogram. berarti memang kurang, JIKA mbak gak makan
makanan bergizi lainnya yang mengandung asam folat (misal sayur2an hijau,

Vitamin A 6000 u, Vitamin B1 10 mg, Vitamin B2 2,5 mg, Vitamin B6 15 mg,
Vitamin B12 4 µg, Vitamin C 100 mg, Vitamin D 400 u, Niasinamida 20 mg,
Kalsium Pantotenat 7,5 mg, Asam Folat 0,25 mg, Fe Fumarat 90 mg, Kalsium
Laktat 250 mg, Tembaga 0,1 mg, Iodin 0,1 mg, Dimetilpolisiloksan 20 mg,
Natrium Fluorida 1 mg.
Nutrisi tambahan secara menyeluruh sebelum dan sesudah persalinan & untuk
mengatasi gangguan umum kehamilan.

u/ premaston, kenapa diresepkan ini ya? kalau lihat di medicastore harganya
cukup mahal lho. dan ini indikasinya u/ mencegah keguguran dini. apa memang
mbak ada riwayat ini?

Terancam kelahiran prematur, terancam aborsi, abortus habitualis (keguguran
yang berturut-turut pada 3 kehamilan atau lebih).
Kondisi hati abnormal.
Mual & muntah.
Tablet 5 mg x 3 x 10 biji.
Terancam kelahiran prematur : tergantung pada kondisi masing-masing pasien.
Maksimal : 40 mg sehari.
Terancam aborsi : 3 kali sehari 5 mg selama 5-7 hari.
Bisa diperpanjang jika perlu.
Abortus habitualis : 5-10 mg sehari segera setelah didiagnosa hamil sampai
paling sedikit 1 bulan setelah masa kritis.

Kalbe Farma.

u/ kalsium, setahu saya dibutuhkan dari awal kehamilan (CMIIW) karena
pembentukan massa janin akan mengambil stok kalsium dari ibu. ini ada
artikel juga dari babycenter..

Why do I need calcium?
Your developing baby needs calcium to grow strong bones and teeth, a healthy
heart, nerves, and muscles, and to develop normal heart rhythm and blood
clotting abilities. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet, your baby
will leach it from your bones, which may impair your own health later on.
How much do I need?
Until recently, experts advised pregnant women to get 1,200 mg of calcium
daily. But new research finds that 1,000 mg is all you really need during
pregnancy because your body can't absorb much more than that amount. You
should still aim for four servings of dairy or other calcium-rich foods a
day (see our list of suggestions below).
FYI Even after your baby's born and you're finished nursing, keep paying
attention to your calcium intake — you need the mineral to help ward off
osteoporosis (bone loss) later in life.
What are the best food sources of calcium?
Milk, especially skim, and other dairy products are top sources, as are
calcium-fortified foods and canned fish.
* 1 cup low-fat yogurt: 414 mg
* 8 oz. skim milk: 302 mg
* 2 cups cottage cheese: 300 mg
* 8 oz. calcium-fortified orange juice: 300 mg
* 2 slices calcium-fortified bread: 300 mg
* 3 oz. sardines: 300 mg
* 1 oz. Gruyere cheese: 283 mg
* 3 oz. canned salmon: 211 mg
* 1 oz. cheddar cheese: 202 mg
* 4 oz. firm tofu: 166 mg
* 3 corn tortillas: 150 mg
* 1/2 cup boiled turnip greens: 98 mg

Should I take a supplement?
A good multivitamin or prenatal vitamin should include at least 150 to 200
mg of calcium. You can also try a calcium supplement. Look on the label for
calcium carbonate, the type most easily absorbed by the body. Or do this
test: Place the supplement in a glass of vinegar and time how quickly it
dissolves. If 10 minutes pass and it hasn't dissolved, try another brand.

Look for tablets that say they are lead-free; recent studies have found that
some "natural" calcium supplements may contain a small amount of lead, which
can be harmful to your growing baby.

mengenai gizi yang harus dipenuhi bumil, ini ada artikel dari babycenter.
masih banyak lho, bisa cari2 ndiri

Seven principles to eating well during pregnancy
Reviewed by Laurie Moyer-Mileur, Ph.D., R.D.
Last updated: April 2003

Fine-tune your diet -- even if you already eat well
Almost all pregnant women need to increase their intake of protein, certain
vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and iron, and calories (for
energy). If your diet is poor to begin with you'll want to make the
transition to eating nutritious, well-balanced meals. Limit junk food, since
it offers little more than empty calories.

But eating better doesn't mean eating more — or rather, much more.
Surprisingly, you need only about 300 calories more per day, for a total of
about 2,500 calories. It's easier than you think to get those extra calories
— find out the best ways to eat for two.

Skip sushi, raw oysters, and soft cheeses, to name a few
You'll want to steer clear of raw seafood (such as oysters or uncooked
sushi), unpasteurized milk or soft cheeses (such as brie or camembert),
pate, and raw or undercooked meat and poultry. (And practice good kitchen
hygiene.) All are possible sources of bacteria that can harm an unborn

Some fish contain methyl mercury, a metal believed to be harmful in high
doses to the growing brains of fetuses and young children. The FDA
recommends limiting your consumption of tuna and other cooked fish to about
12 ounces a week, the equivalent of about two servings. (You can find
answers to all your food safety questions here.)

You'll need to give up that cocktail after work, too. Drinking alcohol
during pregnancy can cause physical defects, learning disabilities, and
emotional problems in children, so many experts recommend that you give up
alcohol for your entire pregnancy. (For non-alcoholic alternatives, see our
list of the best virgin drinks.)

And you should consider cutting back or skipping caffeinated beverages. That
may be a snap if you're suddenly revolted by the stuff during your first
trimester. But java junkies beware: Some studies suggest that drinking more
than four cups of coffee a day can lead to miscarriage, low birth weight,
and even stillbirth. Caffeine also lurks in teas, colas, other soft drinks,
cocoa, and chocolate. Switch to decaf brews and decaf sodas instead.

Better still, replace these nutritional losers with healthy choices such as
skim milk, 100 percent fruit juice, or water with a squeeze of lemon.

Start taking a prenatal vitamin-mineral supplement
In an ideal world — free of morning sickness or food aversions — a
well-balanced diet would be all an expectant mom ever needed. But in the
real world a vitamin-mineral supplement helps guarantee that you'll get the
nutrients you need. Make sure the vitamin contains 600 to 800 micrograms of
folic acid. A lack of this B vitamin has been linked to neural tube birth
defects such as spina bifida. Later on in your pregnancy you may need to
take iron or calcium supplements to make sure you're getting enough of these
key minerals.

Strict vegetarians, and women with medical conditions such as diabetes,
gestational diabetes, or anemia, as well as those with a history of
low-birthweight babies, should talk with their healthcare providers about
any supplements they might need.

Keep in mind that more is not always better: Avoid megadoses of vitamins and
minerals; they could be harmful to your developing baby.
Don't diet while you're pregnant
Dieting during pregnancy is potentially hazardous to you and your developing
baby. Many weight-loss regimes are likely to leave you low on iron, folic
acid, and other important vitamins and minerals. Remember, weight gain is
one of the most positive signs of a healthy pregnancy. Women who eat well
and gain the appropriate amount of weight are more likely to have healthy
babies. So if you're eating fresh, wholesome foods and adding pounds, relax:
You're supposed to be getting bigger.

Gain weight gradually
In general, you should aim to put on between 25 and 35 pounds if you began
your pregnancy at a desirable weight. If you're underweight to begin with,
you can gain a bit more (28-40 pounds); if you're overweight at the start,
your goal should be to put on a little less (15-25 pounds). If you're short
(under 5' 2"), an adolescent, or are carrying more than one child, check
with your doctor about how much weight you should gain.

When you put on weight may be as important as the total tally of pounds. You
should gain the least weight during the first trimester (roughly 2 to 5
pounds total) and steadily increase, with the greatest number of pounds
(roughly a pound a week) coming in the third trimester, when the baby is
growing the most.

Eat small meals every four hours
Even if you're not hungry, chances are your baby is, so try to eat at least
every four hours. If nausea, food aversions, heartburn or indigestion make
eating a chore, you may find that eating five or six mini meals, rather than
the usual hearty three square, is easier on your body. Don't ever skip
meals. Even if you're not hungry, your developing baby needs regular

Treat yourself to something sweet on occasion
Processed foods, packaged snacks, and sugar-loaded desserts shouldn't be the
mainstay of your diet, but you don't have to give up all your favorite
goodies just because you're pregnant. Some smart — and tasty — snack ideas:
Try a banana smoothie, a frozen all-fruit nonfat sorbet, or yogurt-covered
pretzels and trail mix. However, don't beat yourself up if you cave in to
temptation — the occasional cookie or piece of cake won't hurt you or your
baby. For more ideas, read about healthy fixes for junk food cravings.

On 8/2/06, Depe aja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear parents,

Saya biasa dikasih obimin AF, elkana, dan premaston. Trus saya coba konsul
ke dokter lain. Beliau menyatakan kalau elkana (calcium) tidak dibutuhkan
untuk usia hamil awal dan obimin AF kadar asam folatnya rendah. Jadi saya
diberi vitamin lain, yaitu : folamil tab, premaston, prolacta for mother,
narfoz tab.
Saya bingung banget. Apa iya butuh sebanyak itu vitaminnya? Parents, share
dong.. vitamin apa yang biasa dikonsumsi selama hamil (sekitar 11-12


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