Mbak aku punya temen anaknya g'jadi dioperasi amandel
dia coba obat herbal yaitu Nutrition meal dan Aloe Mineral polen
NutMeal kayak sereal enak buat anak2, AMP kayak minuman Jeruk
alhamdulillah setelah minum ini g'jadi dioperasi tuh, mau coba?


Bunda Irsal & Sarah.

From: "Lif Rahayu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/08/2008 01:37 PM
Please respond to balita-anda

cc:     (bcc: Bessy BKC1176 Sulistina Gumilang/BKCP/BKC)

Subject:Re: [balita-anda] amandel


Untuk amandel/tonsilitis, penyebabnya bisa dua, bakteri atau virus, kalau
bakteri perlu ada usap tenggorokan, untuk tahu bakterinya apa dan butuh
antibiotika apa, jika penyebabnya virus maka gak ada obatnya. Utamanya
adalah banyak minum air hangat, dan juga soup2an gitu deh, supaya
tenggorokannya enakan. Bisa juga dengan humidifier atau terapi uap, 
ruangannya humid (banyak uap air). Lebih lengkapnya ada di bawah ini ya:
(saya kena amandel, operasi di usia 7 tahunan, ihiks...)

Ini saya ada artikel dari

Tonsillitis Introduction

Open your mouth wide in front of a mirror. Do you see your tonsils? 
located on each side of your throat, just behind and above your tongue.

Years ago, many young children had their tonsils removed. In fact, surgery
was once the standard treatment for recurrent tonsillitis — inflammation 
the tonsils caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

Today, tonsils are recognized for their role in filtering harmful bacteria
and viruses that could cause more serious infections. When tonsillitis
strikes, the first line of treatment is typically self-care or 
Surgery is seldom necessary, unless tonsillitis recurs often or it
interferes with breathing or swallowing.
Signs and symptoms

Tonsillitis is characterized by red, swollen tonsils. You may also notice
white patches on the tonsils. Other signs and symptoms of tonsillitis

- Severe sore throat
- Difficult or painful swallowing
- Headache
- Fever and chills
- Enlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the jaw and neck
- Loss of voice

CLICK TO ENLARGE  [image: Illustration of

When bacteria and viruses enter your body through your nose or mouth, your
tonsils act as a filter — engulfing the offending organisms in white blood
cells. This may cause a low-grade infection in your tonsils, which
stimulates your immune system to form antibodies against future 
But sometimes the tonsils are overwhelmed by a bacterial or viral 
The result is tonsillitis.

Various viruses and bacteria can cause tonsillitis, including the virus 
causes mononucleosis (the Epstein-Barr virus) and the bacterium that 
strep throat (Streptococcus pyogenes).
Risk factors

Tonsillitis is a common condition, especially in children. Viruses and
bacteria tend to flourish where people are in close contact, such as 
and child care facilities.
When to seek medical advice

Although tonsillitis itself usually isn't serious, it can lead to
complications if left untreated. Call your doctor if your sore throat:

- Lasts more than 48 hours
- Gets worse
- Is accompanied by other signs or symptoms

Seek emergency care if you're:

- Drooling
- Unable to eat or drink
- Having trouble breathing

Screening and diagnosis

The doctor will check your tonsils and the back of your throat for signs 
infection, such as redness and pus. If your tonsils appear to be infected
and you have other signs and symptoms of strep throat, you'll need a 
swab. With this simple test, the doctor rubs a sterile swab over the back 
your throat to get a sample of the secretions. It doesn't hurt, but it may
cause momentary gagging.

The sample will be checked in the lab for the presence of streptococcal
bacteria. Test results are available within minutes to hours, depending on
the testing method. If the strep test is positive, you'll need antibiotics
to treat the infection.

Left untreated, tonsillitis can lead to a collection of pus between a 
and the soft tissues around it. This is known as an abscess. The abscess 
cover a large part of the soft area at the back of the roof of the mouth
(soft palate). Sometimes the swelling can be so severe that the roof of 
mouth and tongue meet, blocking airflow and making swallowing extremely
difficult. Rarely, the abscess may spread into the bloodstream or into the
neck or chest.

Some strains of streptococcal bacteria that cause tonsillitis can also 
kidney inflammation (nephritis) or rheumatic fever, a serious condition 
can affect the heart, joints, nervous system and skin.

Tonsillitis is typically treated with self-care or antibiotics. Although
surgery is no longer the standard treatment for tonsillitis, it may be
recommended in some cases.

If tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection, you'll need to let the 
run its course. Recovery may take a week or two. In the meantime, get 
of rest. Drink warm, soothing liquids — such as soup, broth and tea — and
gargle with warm salt water. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen
(Advil, Motrin, others) can help reduce fever and decrease pain. Because 
the risk of Reye's syndrome — a potentially life-threatening illness — 
give aspirin to children younger than age 12.

If tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will
prescribe antibiotics. Oral antibiotics typically need to be taken for at
least 10 days. Although you'll probably feel better in a day or two, it's
important to finish the full course of antibiotics. Stopping medication
early may cause the infection to come back — which can lead to potentially
serious complications.

If your child has a positive strep test, he or she needs to complete at
least 24 hours of antibiotic treatment before returning to school or child
care. If your child has difficulty swallowing, antibiotics may be given by

*Surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) is rarely needed for
adults. During childhood, surgery may be recommended if:

- Your child has seven or more episodes of tonsillitis in one year
- Your child has five or more episodes of tonsillitis a year for two
- Swollen tonsils interfere with your child's breathing or swallowing
- An abscess develops in the tonsils

Tonsillectomy is usually done on an outpatient basis. That means your 
will be able to go home the day of the surgery. A complete recovery may 
up to two weeks, however.

After surgery, your child's throat will be sore. He or she may have ear 
as well. Encourage your child to suck on ice cubes or frozen fruit pops, 
ice cream or sherbet, and drink cold liquids. You may want to use a
cool-mist humidifier in your child's bedroom. While your child is
recovering, keep in mind that he or she will be more susceptible to
infection than usual. Avoid crowds and exposure to anyone who may be ill. 
your child begins to bleed from the mouth, report it to the doctor

Frequent hand washing is the best way to prevent all kinds of infections,
including tonsillitis. Wash your hands often, and encourage your children 
do the same.

When you use soap and water:

- Wet your hands with warm, running water and apply liquid or clean
bar soap. Lather well.
- Rub your hands vigorously for at least 15 seconds. Encourage your
children to wash for as long as it takes to sing their ABCs, "Row, Row, 
Your Boat" or the "Happy Birthday" song.
- Scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists,
between your fingers and under your fingernails.
- Rinse well.
- Dry your hands with a clean towel.
- Use a towel to turn off the faucet.

If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Apply about 1/2 teaspoon of the sanitizer to the palm of your hand. Rub 
hands together, covering all surfaces of your hands, until they're dry.

Other common-sense precautions apply, too. Cough or sneeze into your elbow
or a tissue. Don't share drinking glasses or eating utensils. Avoid close
contact with anyone who's sick. Look for a child care setting with sound
hygiene practices and clear policies about keeping sick children at home.

A sore throat can make you miserable. These tips can help.

- *Drink more fluids.* Warm liquids — such as soup, broth and tea —
are good choices.
- *Gargle with warm salt water.* Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces
of warm water, gargle, and then spit out the water.
- *Use honey and lemon.* Stir honey and lemon to taste into a glass of
hot water. Allow it to cool to room temperature before you sip it. The 
coats and soothes your throat, and the lemon helps reduce mucus. Note: 
use honey or corn syrup in a drink for children younger than age 1.
- *Suck on a throat lozenge or hard candy.* This stimulates saliva
production, which bathes and cleanses your throat.
- *Humidify the air.* Adding moisture to the air can reduce throat
irritation and make it easier to sleep. Be sure to change the water in a
room humidifier daily and clean the unit at least once every three days to
help prevent the growth of harmful molds and bacteria.
- *Avoid smoke and other air pollutants.* Smoke irritates a sore
- *Rest your voice.* Talking may lead to more throat irritation and
temporary loss of your voice (laryngitis).

Think about others, too. If you're not feeling well, take a few days off 
avoid spreading your germs.

2008/5/8 aryani gani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> dear parents,
> Lg pusing nih anak saya Jolin 2.5th kalo malam tidur suka ngorok seperti
> hidung sumbat jadi tidur gelisah..karena kuatir ada polip or sinus saya 
> ke dokter THT..Hasil diagnosa dokter hidung tidak bermasalah ngak ada 
> di dalamnya tapi masalah di amandelnya..amandelnya yang besar itu yang
> membuat dia ngorok karena susah napas dan napas bukan melalui hidung 
> mulut..biasa anak yang ada amandel susah makan nah anak saya memang 
> makan..saya pernah baca informasi yang mengatakan kalo sampai ngorok itu
> udah parah maksudnya udah harus diangkat..dokter tidak menganjurkan utk
> dioperasi karena anak masih terlalu kecil..batas minimal umur 5th baru 
> dioperasi..operasi pun ada pro and contra..saya bingung banget nih mana 
> yang bilang anak2 yang amandelnya besar mengganggu perkembangan otaknya
> karna oksigen yang masuk kurang..duh pusing banget nih...:( ada yang 
> saran or masukan nda biar lebih tenang aja...
> thanks b4 yah..
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