Dear Mbak Yenni,
Ini artikel tentang Hib. Menurut artikel ini dengan 4 kali suntikan bayi tahan 99% 
terhadap meningitis. Tapi menurut dokter saya juga sama bahwa kalau disuntik di bawah 
1 tahun maka perlu 3 kali tapi kalau di atas 1 tahun cukup 1 kali.

What is HiB vaccine :
It immunizes your child against the dangerous bacteria Hemophilus influenzae type B, 
which can lead to meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis. The October 2, 1997, 
edition of the New England Journal of Medicine states that the vaccine is responsible 
for an 87 percent drop in bacterial meningitis among one- to five-year-old children in 
the United States.

When does my baby need thia inoculation :
She'll need it three times during her first year -- at her two-, four- and six- month 
checkups -- and the last dose around 12-18 months. Use BabyCenter's immunization 
scheduler to help keep track.

What would happen if my baby did'nt get this shot :
She would be vulnerable to the dangerous diseases carried by this bacteria. The Hib 
vaccine protects against the following: 
Bacterial meningitis, which strikes most often between two months and two years. 
Symptoms include fever, decreased appetite, excessive crankiness, nausea, and 
sleepiness. The disease needs to be diagnosed quickly and treated aggressively, or 
your baby may sustain hearing loss, paralysis, or, in rare cases, a baby may even die. 
Unfortunately, diagnosis can only be done by performing a spinal tap, a procedure that 
can be frightening to parents. 

Pneumonia, an infection in the lungs, which can be very serious in babies and 
children. Symptoms include a cough, labored breathing, fever, and possibly a blue tint 
to the baby's lips or fingernails. Pneumonia is often a secondary infection, following 
an upper-respiratory infection or influenza, chicken pox, or rubella. If antibiotics 
are prescribed for your infant, she may have to be hospitalized for intravenous 

Epiglottitis, a serious but rare condition often caused by the Hemophilius influenzae 
type B bacteria. The epiglottis becomes swollen, which may block the trachea, making 
it difficult for your baby to breathe. Epiglottitis frequently is misdiagnosed by 
parents to be a case of croup because of the stridor and cough. Babies with 
epiglottitis will also exhibit signs of an extremely sore throat and may also drool 
more than usual. Older babies and children have to sit up to breathe.

Are there any side effect relating to this vaccine :
One and a half percent of the children who receive the vaccine may feel sore at the 
injection site and spike a low-grade fever. Research shows that if a child gets all 
four of the scheduled Hib shots, she'll be 99 percent protected against these diseases.

Riefna Azwita Fahmi
Test System Unit/QRS
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Yenni Afrianti [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, April 29, 1999 8:19 AM
Subject:        RE: [balita-anda] Vaksin MMR

Bagaimana dengan vaksin Hib?  Apakah ada yang tahu lebih jauh mengenai hal
ini, karena terus terang anak saya (10 bulan) belum saya berikan vaksin ini,
karena saya masih ragu akan kegunaannya.  Kata DSA sich, kalau di vaksin
umur setahun hanya sekali aja.  Saya ragu karena beberapa teman yang
sama-sama mempunyai anak kecil banyak yang nggak dianjurin untuk vaksin ini.
Tolong ya.............kalau ada yang tau saya diinformasikan, mungkin teman
netter yang lain juga membutuhkannnya.  Thanks alot.


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