Jack Twilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  * Notes
>    I wouldn't mind having a private section for notes here -- there's
>    some things I wouldn't necessarily want stored in my pilot in a
>    public record that may happen to be in a notes section, and this
>    would mean the entire record would have to be private, which is a
>    pain.  (It's fine to say that this is a weakness in the pilot's
>    address book -- because it is -- but there is no support here at
>    all for the concept)
>  * Export-specific tags
>    For my hacked version of bbdb-pilot, I've added tags like
>    "Category" and "Privacy" to records.  These should either be
>    generalized, and the appropriate magic written into the finished
>    bbdb-pilot.el (and bbdb-pcs.el, etc. etc.) to handle them, or done
>    specifically for pilots (i.e. "Pilot-Category", "Pilot-Privacy").

>  * birthdays/anniversaries
>    It'd be nice if the MUA (or some other app using bbdb) could let
>    the owner know when certain days approach.  This is also quite
>    possibly venturing into the realm of calendaring software.

I really can understand some of your problems/wishes, because i have
(had) them too.  But i don't think if it the right way to modify the
BBDB, instead i chose to rewrite the thing which pulls date from the
BBDB and adds it to the palm.  It's a big advantage in my opinion that
the BBDB has free form identifiers, and the palm's Addressbook is
definitely(sp?) missing something here.  So i can skip some lines in a 
BBDB record and i have a custom Record named `birthday' in both the
BBDB and inside palm.

I don't think that it is the MUA's job to remind someone of Birthdays,
but surely the BBBD (integrated with the MUA) is the right spot to
save this info.  My Calendar app `plan' should retrieve this
information automatically, that's again where i dream about some
sql-ish interface.

The following is ripped from http://www.rhein.de/~aldo/palm/,
`Eigenlog stinkt' as this is called in german, and i know it is
nothing more than a dirty hack but it only works in 'PilotManager', so
there should be not much damage in the BBDB ML.  Some of these
features were missing in bbbd-pilot.el, otherwise i didn't wrote it.

Let's assume this is a (more or less) typical Address Entry in your

Vorname X. Nachname - MeineFirma
     Heim (124): +49-190-66 66 66
           Work: 0815
 sein altes Faksgerät: 01234567
           Frau: 09382472357
       Geliebte: 72346728
           Haus: Holzweg 1
                 Bonn  53000
  Arbeitsstätte: Auf dem Mühsal 13
                 Unrastatt  47011
            net: me@foo, you@bar
            AKA: Anton
          notes: Kommentar
  creation-date: 24 Oct 1999
      timestamp: 13 Nov 1999
           palm: Work
       birthday: 31.2.1959

Howe Do you want this Record to sort into Your Palm? I want it like that:

-   Regexp to match eg Heim with Palm's Home, Faks (just an example)
    with Palm's fax.  That was the Main reason i wrote this. Now i can
    match cell and Mobiltelefon to Palm's Mobile.
-   There are 4 Telephone Numbers in this Record, Palm provides 4
    Entries for Phonenumbers and E-Mail Addresses. I want at least one
    E-Mail Address in Palm's AddressDB and perhaps the other 20
    Phonenumbers and/or E-Mail Addresses to be stored in Palm's Notes
-   Two Postal Addresses. Save the rest in Palm's Notes Field?
-   I want to skip some Entries in a record, eg creation-date
-   Give a default Category for the AddressDB, in which the BBDB
    Entries get filled.  
-   Defaults are useless, if you can't change them for individual
    Records. The above Record gets filled in the Work Category inside
    Palm. Provide a special Value for your palm-related BBDB Entry
    like "ignore" or "skip" instead of "Work" and the Record wont
    appear inside Palm.
-   Automatically find correspondending BBDB User Fields with
    (possibly renamed) AddressDB Custom Fields. It would be nice to
    automatically fill the Birthday Entry into the Palms
    correspondending(sp?) Custom Field with the same name, it this
    exists.  If not, perhaps save it in Palm's Notes Field. Since the
    BBDB Notes Field in a oneliner, the Palm's rather multiline, i
    renamed one of my Palm's Custom Fields to notes, and the String
    Kommentar appears in it while the rest of the Record which doesn't
    fit, gets into Palms Multiline Notes Field.

Inside Pilotmanager, there is an easy and ugly Dialogue, which pops up if you just try 
configure SyncAB to use BBDB. Beautify the Dialog Window is on my ToDo List. 

"As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat."  --Ellen Perry Berkeley

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