>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ronan> Yah; it's the gratuituous differences that annoy me. Like
Ronan> overlays vs. extents, for example, and the completely
Ronan> incompatible menuing systems.

Alex> Yaaahrg!  I've written layers to handle both two or three times
Alex> and I'm getting soooo tired!

Then why doesn't someone write two really good layers -- one to
XEmacsify FSF code, and one to FSFify XEmacs code -- and save us all
the trouble?

I've been trying to port eicq from XEmacs to FSF Emacs, and I've been
lifting (and citing) liberally from BBDB and Gnus, but if I could add
something like:

(unless (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version) (require 'xemacs))

That would be nice.

(just another dreamer.)
Jack Twilley
jmt at tbe dot net
http colon slash slash www dot tbe dot net slash tilde jmt slash

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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