On Fri, 03 Aug 2001, David S. Goldberg gibbered:
> DG> I want a full listing, in multiple lines, minus a couple fields.
> DG> Robert's patch does this.  bbdb-elided-display does not.  
>>     Yes, it does...
> Thanks!  Is that new in the 2.3* versions?  I don't recall that being
> possible previously.

Nope, it's not new; it was there in 2.00.06, at least.

I think it would be better to enhance the handling of
bbdb-elided-display to work after double-`bbdb-elide-record' than to add
an entirely new variable that does exactly the same thing as
`bbdb-elided-display' and works after double-elide...

`It's all about bossing computers around. Users have to say "please".
Programmers get to say "do what I want NOW or the hard disk gets it".'
                        -- Richard Heathfield on the nature of programming

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