On August 4, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> It is not exactly the same feature AFAIS, see the other mail
> I sent.
> bbdb-elided-display affects the default display mode:
> whether it is one line or a listing. I would propose to
> remove the "omitting" of fields from bbdb-elided-display,
> but that breaks backwards compatibility.
> So what's next? :)

I agree that they're not exactly the same feature. However, they're
sufficiently close to each other that if nothing else, the naming will
cause confusion. As it stands, the elided-display stuff /already/
causes confusion. Since I haven't read through the exact changes you
made, I don't know how much duplication of effort - if any - is
involved in having both systems present. What I think needs to be done
is for bbdb-elided-display to go away (or be replaced with some
aliasing and a bunch of warnings to say it /will/ go away), and be
replaced with a combination of your code and the elided-display
functionality under something like bbdb-displayed-fields-* and

Open for discussion, of course.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

"It's a horrible thing to watch, almost like watching an infant tottering
 toward a porcupine." - Kyle Jones on MIS people writing C

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