On , August 7 2001 09:45:48, Doug Alcorn wrote:
> '(bbdb-display-list
> '((net . t)
> (phone . t)
> (address . (multi-line full))
> (attribution . (one-line))
> (pilot-id . (full))
> (timestamp . nil)
> (t . (multi-line))))
This gets confusing when I also want to specify the order
(e.g. for maintaining the original BBDB behavior), so I
wonder whether the following would be also ok for you,
although it again separates _order_ and _omitting_.
An alist specifying the field order and omitted fields per
display layout, instead of specifying it by field.
E.g. elements of the list have the format
OMIT-LIST is a list of fields to omit, t for omitting all
fields or nil for omitting none
ORDER-LIST might be omitted for default order or is is a
list of fields defining a order requested by the
user. A field value of t is a place holder for
_all remaining fields_.
ORDER-LIST takes precedence over OMIT-LIST,
i.e. with t as OMIT-LIST, fields still get
shown if they appear in ORDER-LIST.
If the requested layout does not appear in the alist,
then use the default order and display all fields.
E.g. to have just phones, mail-alias, net and notes displayed
in one-line layout and for multi-line layout net, phones,
addresses and the remaining fields, excluding creation-date
and timestamp, while the last should be excluded also from
full display.
(setq bbdb-display-layout-alist
'((one-line t
(phones mail-alias net notes))
(multi-line (creation-date timestamp)
(net phones addresses t))
(full '(timestamp))))
(setq bbdb-display-layout-alist
'((phones . one-line)
(mail-alias . one-line)
(notes . one-line)
(net . (one-line multi-line)
(phones . multi-line)
(addresses . multi-line)
(creation-date . (multi-line full))
(timestamp . nil)
(t . multi-line))
IMHO it is more easier to understand, maintain and think in
display layouts, than in fields, but let's hear what you
think about it?
bbdb-elided-display plugs into this nicely by
(setq bbdb-display-layout-alist
'((one-line t
(phones mail-alias net notes))
(multi-line (creation-date timestamp)
(net phones addresses t))
(full '(timestamp))))
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