On 2012-10-14 00:46 +0800, Roland Winkler wrote:
> See bbdb-allow-duplicates.
> I guess it is fair to say that this variable was introduced long ago
> not as a bug, but as a feature. Depending on circumstances, it could
> be more likely that duplicate entries inadvertently refer to the
> same person.
> Also, the docstring of this variable expresses the fact...

Sure. So bbdb-no-duplicates was renamed to bbdb-allow-duplicates while
keeping the same value which amounts to disallow duplicates by default
and that is exactly what caused me all the trouble.

[snipped 12 lines]
> ...that so far in BBDB's history nobody considered the case of
> records with duplicate names important enough to extend the code of
> bbdb-complete-mail to handle such records properly. If this is
> urgent for you, you might want to look into this function yourself.
> Actually, I am not sure this requires a UID field. Instead, it may
> be sufficient that bbdb-complete-mail does not immediately exit one
> of its loops if it found one record matching a name. Instead it
> needs to continue looking for matching records.
> Note that BBDB's hash table associates elements in, say, the
> organization field with multiple records. In the same way it *can*
> associate a name with multiple records. Merely, details are not yet
> spelled out in the code. See the warning in bbdb-allow-duplicates.
> Roland

In my view, bbdb-no-duplicates defaults to nil says a lot about people
caring duplicates.


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