On Sat Oct 13 2012 Roland Winkler wrote:
> See bbdb-allow-duplicates.
> Also, the docstring of this variable expresses the fact...
> ...that so far in BBDB's history nobody considered the case of
> records with duplicate names important enough to extend the code of
> bbdb-complete-mail to handle such records properly.

I never checked that till I tried it a minute ago. Could it be that
the docstring of bbdb-allow-duplicates is outdated in the sense that
BBDB v3's bbdb-complete-mail (and other parts of the code) handles
such duplicate records fine so that bbdb-allow-duplicates need not
warn the user anymore about "confusion when doing completion"?

I don't have any real-world scenarios to test here. Do you get what
you expect to get when bbdb-allow-duplicates is t and you have
multiple records with the same name?



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