On 2012-10-16 09:12 +0800, Roland Winkler wrote:
> I guess I start to understand, where your problem is coming from.
> When BBDB loads the database, bbdb-allow-duplicates is nil, and
> there are multiple records with the same name, then only the first
> record with this name is hashed (so that it becomes available for
> things like completion). While the code relevant for this was broken
> in BBDB v2, nonetheless it contained fragments of code and comments
> related to this behavior advertising this as intended behavior.
> I think the point is: a variable like bbdb-allow-duplicates should
> only affect the creation of new records as well as possibly issuing
> a warning if the database contains duplicate records when loaded.
> But it should not affect the usage of the records present in the
> database for things like completion. Otherwise things get rather
> obscured. (You got fooled!)
> I'll change the code accordingly (unless someone tells me there is a
> problem I overlooked, or someone proposes a yet better scheme).

I mostly report problems from my experience when some behaviour changed.
So thank you for looking up the details. This looks like a good plan.


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